June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA1 lemonade Interim 59,5 Eric Burger Glenn Parsons
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA2 Note Well All statements related to the activities of the IETF and addressed to the IETF are subject to all provisions of Section 10 of RFC 2026, which grants to the IETF and its participants certain licenses and rights in such statements. Such statements include verbal statements in IETF meetings, as well as written and electronic communications made at any time or place, which are addressed to –the IETF plenary session, –any IETF working group or portion thereof, –the IESG, or any member thereof on behalf of the IESG, –the IAB or any member thereof on behalf of the IAB, –any IETF mailing list, including the IETF list itself, any working group or design team list, or any other list functioning under IETF auspices, –the RFC Editor or the Internet-Drafts function Statements made outside of an IETF meeting, mailing list or other function, that are clearly not intended to be input to an IETF activity, group or function, are not subject to these provisions.
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA3 Scribes and Transcribes JABBER details Room: lemonadeServer: ietf.xmpp.org
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA4 Objectives for Interim Timeline –Drafts before IETF 60 –LC after IETF 60 –Revisions Before IETF 61 –IESG Submission After IETF 61
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA5 Agenda Bashing Pull Implementation Plan 3GPP Liaison IMAP Profile Random Bits –Notifications –Channel –Future Delivery –Documents Ready for WGLC Assign Document Authors
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA6 Pull Implementation Plan Mechanism Discussion –BURL/CATENATE –Other? Pawn Ticket –Separate Document
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA7 Forward without download Pull –Message headers requested and sent to UA –Message header delivered to GUI –New message created with reference to message received in 2. Sent to UA –Message with references sent to MS. –Message with reference to include message in 4 sent to MTA –MTA requests MS to compile full message and send to MTA. –MTA sends message via SMTP UA RFC-822/MIME (E)SMTP IMAP4 MS MTA GUI proprietary API proprietary API desktop client server
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA8 Issues to Address –3 rd -Party Trust Model –FCC: Submit Server Has to Send Message to User; Store Needs to Know Message for Sent Items Folder –Future Delivery: Where Does Message Get Queued? How Revoked?
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA9 3GPP Liaison Glenn Parsons
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA10 3GPP MMS Reference Architecture & Lemonade MM3... Relay MMS User Agent A External Server #1 (e.g. ) External Server #2 (e.g. Fax) External SMSC GW “Foreign” MMS Relay/Server MMS User Agent B Server MM1 MM4 MMS Relay/Server MM2 External Server #3 (e.g. UMS) MM6MM5 MMS User Databases HLR MMS VAS Applications MM7 SMPP Lemonade
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA11 3GPP Liaison Tdoc S MMS Over IP for WLAN Described by 3GPP TS –3GPP system to Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) interworking; System description (Release 6) Would Like to Use lemonade Access Instead of WAP over IP
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA12 IMAP Profile Stéphane Maes
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA13 Immanent Candidates for WGLC lemonade Goals –New Revision –Nits review, then WG last call Media Size –draft-shveidel-mediasize-05 Notifications Requirements –draft-decktor-s2s-notif-01 –Expired –Interest in Continuing Work?
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA14 Random Bits Channel –draft-ietf-lemonade-imap-channel-01 –Was on Hold for Resources Future Delivery –draft-vaudreuil-futuredelivery-02 –Was on Hold for pull/push Decision MMS mapping –draft-gellens-lemonade-mms-mapping-00 –Wait for pull/push & IMAP profile progression Other extensions?
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA15 Milestone Guidelines Drafts before IETF 60 Working Group Last Call (WGLC) after IETF 60 Revisions Before IETF 61 IESG Submission After IETF 61
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA16 Milestones (1 of 5) Goals –Update Goals –WGLC Goals –Submit Goals to IESG Media Size –WGLC Media Size –Submit Media Size to IESG
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA17 Milestones (2 of 5) Notifications Requirements –WGLC Notifications Requirements –Submit Notifications Requirements to IESG CHANNEL –Review/Update CHANNEL –WGLC CHANNEL –Submit CHANNEL to IESG
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA18 Milestones (3 of 5) Pull Protocol –First Draft Pull Protocol –First Draft Pawn Ticket –WGLC CATENATE –WGLC Pull Protocol,Pawn Ticket, and CATENATE –Submit Pull Protocol, Pawn Ticket, and CATENATE to IESG
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA19 Milestones (4 of 5) IMAP Profile –First Draft IMAP Profile –WGLC IMAP Profile –Submit IMAP Profile to IESG Notifications Protocol –First Draft Notifications Protocol –WGLC Notifications Protocol –Submit Notifications Protocol to IESG
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA20 Milestones (5 of 5) Update MMS – lemonade Interworking WGLC Interworking Submit Interworking to IESG
June 10, 2004IETF 59,5 - Richardson, TX, USA21 Thanks! Mail List: –General Discussion: –To Subscribe: –In Body: in boby 'subscribe' –Archive: ftp://ftp.ietf.org/ietf-mail-archive/lemonade/ Supplemental Work Group Page –