ICM Bodrum 20 th October AA Workhshop Law Reviews in ELSA
Decision Book – AA part Law Review The law review is a legal publication consisting of contributions from students, practitioners and academics. The law review should publish contributions of the highest academic standard. Students should be responsible for the editing of the content, style and referencing. The law review should serve as a platform for ELSA members to strengthen their legal writing skills and to publish their contributions.
Law reviews on national and local level SOtN: 6 -ELSA Malta -ELSA Slovak Republic -ELSA Poland -ELSA Ukraine -ELSA Georgia -ELSA Belgium -ELSA Spain
ELSA International’s History of legal publications 1985 – 1989European Yearbook of Law 1989 – 1997ELSA Law Review 1994 – 2007 GLSE ? ELSA Law Web 1997 – 2010SPEL (Selected Papers on European Law) 1997Handbook ELSA and the ICC 1998Handbook ELSA and the ICC 2004(International Criminal Court) National Implementation Legislation
Is it really coming back?
ELSA International Law Journal Articles Editorial board Externals and peers Publication
Timeline 30 June Deadline for submissions 15 OctoberDeadline Editorial board 1st DecDeadline peer review January 2015Publication
Tessa Mallia Borg Editor in Chief ELSA International Law Journal