UCAID, Internet2 and relationships with other initiatives Heather Boyles Chief of Staff
US Federal Gov’t: Next Generation Internet (NGI) Program Established in parallel with Internet2 multi-agency research and development (R&D) program to develop, test, and demonstrate advanced networking technologies and applications via testbeds that are 100 to 1,000 times faster end-to-end than today's Internet
Internet2 NGI Relationship Similar technical objectives Focused on different, but complementary communities NGI: Federal Mission agencies UCAID/Internet2: university research and education community Working to interconnect, make interoperable federal research networks and Abilene
Internet2 NGI Relationship cont’d Cooperative programs: NSF High Performance Connections grants: UCAID universities using to connect to achieve Internet2 connectivity Abilene Energy, NASA network interconnection: being planned to provide high performance access for universities to research labs Applications: researchers benefit from numerous federal grants that help develop applications
International Opportunities
International Efforts Focus on researcher partnerships working on advanced applications Cooperate on QoS, etc. to maintain global interoperability Use STARTAP (Science, Technology, and Research Transit Access Point) for connectivity
UCAID/Internet2/Abilene and International Relations Seek to enable collaboration between researchers within and beyond the US that pushes the state of advanced networking technology and applications development. Form mutually beneficial bilateral relationships with initiatives similar (in goals, scope) to UCAID, Internet2 and Abilene outside the US.
International Collaborations cont’d UCAID Board and management are interested in exploring best policies and options to achieve this. One model is the Memorandum of Understanding signed by UCAID and CANARIE (Canadian Advanced Research and Education Network)
International Collaborations cont’d Main principles: advanced, pre-commercial networks and revolutionary technologies -- not commodity Internet service focus on applications most effective relationships between initiatives of similar scope, mission, constituents focus on non-governmental relationships Wrap