LCFF Presentation to Regional Partners 21 July 2014
LCFF Background LCFF: Local Control Funding Formula State eliminated many categorical programs to provide more “flexibility” to districts. LCAP: Local Control and Accountability Plan Starting with academic year districts have to provide the county with a plan on how they will use money given by State.
LCFF Rules and Regulations Templates will be updated annually, but revised every three years. Districts will be given time to comply with K-3 max class size of 24. State has identified 8 Priorities for districts to outline. For English Learner / Low Income / Foster Groups concentration/supplemental funding provided and language has been corrected to ensure it is spent for those subgroups.
LCFF Timeline
Original Template
Revised Template July
LCFF Comment Period July 12 th – July 28 th ending at 5pm Special Meeting about LCAP on Tuesday, July 22 nd o Details forthcoming Comments that require action by SBE will be placed on September 2014 agenda
CSLNet July 2014 SBE Testimony Currently, the only mention of NGSS/Science in the instructions comes in the form of a citation of Ed Code. While there is not a science reference, Common Core State Standards and Academic Content Standards are used interchangeably. Continued to emphasize the need for high-quality STEM education.
Our Recommendation
LCAP Watch Developed by Ed Trust-West to serve as repository for LCAPs. CSLNet has partnered with Ed Trust-West in their effort to provide transparency throughout the LCAP process. Searchable database accessible to public to read through LCAPs.
Work with Ed Trust-West Worked with Ed Trust-West to find a representative sample of districts throughout California. Will go through each LCAP to determine whether STEM/NGSS/Science was mentioned and how it was mentioned. Provide a report on findings. Provide regional networks with series of opportunities to get involved with local LCAPs.
Regional Network Involvement Upload district LCAPs to LCAP Watch.LCAP Watch o You do not have to be a district official to upload. Submit comments to SBE regarding importance of providing clear instructions for STEM and/or NGSS. Ask district/regional leaders about how they will add STEM/NGSS in the future and their timeline for making those changes.