INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE Models on Quality Control of Practical Placements of students in Europe Madli Krispin, International Relations Office Brasov, 2008
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE How to guarantee academic quality, rationalise supervision, facilitate contacts between university and enterprise, supervisors and students for quality European project work and work placements? Models on Quality Control of Practical Placements of students in Europe Regulations based on curriculum Encourage the training of engineers with broader educational experience, including linguistic abilities, developed by attendance at two or more leading engineering institutions in Europe. Co-financing of the universities with staff costs Promote further collaboration in engineering education, research and development between European universities to find good practices and models to follow.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE Models on Quality Control of Practical Placements of students in Europe Evaluation of the reports from the students and enterprises Increase the awareness of engineering graduates to the specific needs and opportunities of future European industrial and economic cooperation. This includes the strengthening of the cultural background of engineering graduates in view of their increasing responsibility for the construction of a humanistic neotechnic civilization. Intensive supervision of placement students and entrepreneurs and financial contributions of the enterprises The bottom-up approach based on networking principle is considered the basic tool in Estonia’s strategy Realisation of annual information events in HE Maintain the advantageous diversity and the standards of the highest levels of engineering education in Europe.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE Models on Quality Control of Practical Placements of students in Europe Meetings student-IRO officer-supervisors- entrepreneurs Creation of the background and tools for the real interaction between university and enterprises sector, in an entrepreneurial environment able to stimulate the entrepreneurial behaviour of the university in the context of the knowledge based society Synergies with other strands of EU programs Secure international validation and acceptance of the qualifications of university educated engineers.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE Models on Quality Control of Practical Placements of students in Europe Establishment of cross activities/connections with mobility of apprentices, staff mobility and participation on pilot projects together with international and national partners and EU project participation for funding student placements - performance and adequacy of education, - excellence and usage of research, - integration of research into engineering education, - continuous improvement of the members, - social responsibility of the members