By April Wilkerson
Where they lived Shawnee Claimed middle Tennessee between the Sequatchie(se - KWA – chee) River and the Tennessee River for their home land. Creek Built towns in Southeastern Tennessee along the the Sequatchie(se - KWA – chee) River
Location by 1600 Today they live mostly on reservations and treaty land in Oaklahoma.
Hunting Shawnee Hunted deer, turkey, and bear in Middle Tennessee Did not waste any part of the animal Used skins to making clothing and shelter Creek Hunted various animals in Middle Tennessee Used skins to make winter clothing
Resources/Economics Shawnee Hunting Animals Produced Animal products Creeks Hunting Animals Farming
Shelter Shawnee Lived in villages. Council house that was used for meetings and ceremonies. Built Longhouses with wood branches and covered with sheets of bark or animal skins. Creek Lived in towns. Had 2 homes: 1 for winter and 1 for summer.
Clothing Shawnee Made shirts, pants, shoes and skirts. Decorated with shells, beads, porcupine quills, and feathers. Creek Had 2 sets of clothing Winter clothing made of animal skins and fur Summer clothing made of woven plant materials tree bark, grass, and reeds.
Celebrations Shawnee Bread Dance Honored women for farming in the spring Celebrated men’s successful hunts in the fall. Creek Green Corn Ceremony ( Posketv (Bus-get-uh) meaning to fast Celebrates “Renewal of Cycle” (New Year) Celebrates the communities Spiritual and Social Life Symbolically it means “Return of Summer” and ripening of new corn Dates back to their Ancestors the Mississippian Mound Builders and is still practiced to date.