Cool Tech tools
Ideas for Primary Grades use of Cool Web Tech Tools: Answergarden – This tool can be used for any subject area to pose a question and have the children respond. Can be set up in a center or posted on a blog for parent support when typing. Questions posed: What is a property? What is your favorite way to sort? What story about making predictions did you like best? What is your magic letter on the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree? Blabberize – This tool can be used with the animal communities science unit. The children chose an animal, wrote four characteristics of that animal, and then blabberized their animal. Their blabs can be posted individually or on a glogster. *Scoop It – This tool is helpful for parents to have access to sites based on what is being taught in the classroom for support. Scoop-its I have are on making predictions (both sites for the children to use and for the parents to learn how to use this strategy at home) and Patterns, Patterns Everywhere so far. *Fodey – This tool can be used during writers workshop at a center or whole group with the newspaper generator. I have used it to generate a story based on a mentor text with the students support – phonetically spelling in the spring. *Glogster – This tool can be used whole group to post video, for practice on your teacher web (popcorn words/alphabet/phoneme blending), or on a blog. I have used it for every subject area in some way.
Ideas for Primary Grades use of Cool Web Tech Tools: Photo-Peach: This tool is great when going on observation walks! I have the children take the picture and then when it is uploaded we go back in and the children help me create a caption for their picture. Voki – This tool can be used for children to tell about themselves for “Special Me” or “King and Queen” – they tell their name, how old they are, what they like to eat, and what they like to do (on the building blocks poster) and then the children create themselves and record their voice. *Vocaroo– This tool is helpful for recording to model fluency or to share their writing in writing workshop. I have used it during the poetry unit on the LPG. The children recorded their poems throughout the unit and had the opportunity to listen to their reading. *Wordle– This tool can be used for any content area. I have used it during writers workshop for revision and words we can use for revision for each of the five senses to add “spice” to our writing. I have also used it for science and sccial studies as an assessment tool by having each child (during center time) tell me something about the topic we have just explored.