The Big Picture Planning Building a Home Conference September 29, 2012 Cynthia R. Haddad, CFP® John W. Nadworny, CFP® Directors, Special Needs Financial Planning Securities and Financial Planning offered through LPL financial, member FINRA/SIPC
Watch Out! Don’t be Overwhelmed!
Planning Resources Components not in your control: Child’s income Government Benefits Components you control: Balance Sheet Parent’s income
The Balance Sheet Money in the bank Investments or long-term savings Retirement money Personal residence
Parent’s Income While you are working Save for your child’s expenses Save for your long- term needs Pay for the child’s expenses out of income While you are retired Savings Retirement funds Your social security
Child’s Potential Contribution Income: Earnings SSI/SSDI Potential Resources: Supplemental Needs Trust Adult family care PCA Section eight rental voucher
IEP Early Intervent ion Transition Planning Guardianship/SSI Residential Employment ISP Birth College SSDI Retirement Parent’s Age 65 Estate Distribution Parent’s Death The Special Needs Planning Timeline™ EI
Father retire Mother retire Child (child w/special needs) end education moves out Child (traditional child) graduate college Create Cash flow over time Age
Cynthia R Haddad, CFP ® John W Nadworny, CFP® Directors, Special Needs Financial Planning T F Thank you!