-Cecilia Lewis US Fish and Wildlife Service -Stan Allen Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission NFHP Performance Evaluation and USFWS Allocation: 2015 and Beyond….
Schedule: FHP Performance Evaluation July 2012 – Board voted to begin first “formal” performance evaluation of FHP’s (with anticipation of National Fish Habitat Conservation Act passage) February 2013 – Board approved evaluation process for years (and every 3 years thereafter) January 2015– Board request to FHP’s to complete evaluation March 31, 2015 – FHP’s submit completed evaluation form to Board
Schedule: USFWS FHP Allocation Process Fall 2013 – Information began to be distributed on new funding allocation process for FHP’s December 2013 – NFHAP Project Funding Allocation Method sent January 2014 – FHP’s submit work plans and accomplishment reports to FWS lead region, “and to the Board” February/May 2014 – USFWS internal process May 19, 2014 – FHP’s notified of funding allocation decisions December 2014 – NFHAP Project Funding Allocation Method sent to FHP’s January 2015 – FHP’s submit work plands and accomplishment reports to FWS lead region, “and to the Board”
FHP Performance Evaluation NFHP Board adopted 10 measures aimed at evaluating FHP’s performance levels for “Core Operational Functions”, such as: -Coordination -Scientific Assessment -Strategic Planning -Data Management -Project Administration -Communication -Outreach
USFWS adopted 8 criteria aimed at evaluating FHP’s performance levels: -Basic FHP Requirements -FHP Priority Areas/Species -FWS Priority Species/Trust Areas -Project Completion and Success -Monitoring and Evaluation -Leveraging of FWS NFHAP Project Funds -Strategic Implementation -Conservation and Project Outcomes FWS FHP Allocation Process
Evaluation Criteria Evaluating FHP Performance (‘NFHP Evaluation’) FWS NFHAP Funding Allocation Method (‘USFWS Evaluation’) Basic project identification informationQ1Sec 1; Sec 3 Priorities addressedQ1 Sec 2: Q2, Q3; Section 3 priority list and Q1 Project monitoring and evaluationQ2Sec 2: Q5; Sec 3: Q2 Proactive approachQ3NA Leveraging FWS NFHAP funding obtainedQ4Sec 1; Sec 2: Q6; Sec 3 Benchmark CriteriaQ5NA Engaging with Overlapping/Neighboring FHPs/entitiesQ6NA Science assessments and planningQ7, Q9Sec 2: Q1 OutreachQ8NA Assessing ProgressQ10Sec 2: Q4 Comparison of NFHP Performance Evaluation and FWS Funding Allocation Method
FHP Performance Evaluation Provides information that we can report to Congress Should the NFCA pass and funds are allocated in the next three years, we have evaluation results that can be used to help guide the distribution of those funds
FHP Performance Evaluation: Potential Paths Option 1 - Board considers Partnership Committee guidance in 2015 for next evaluation in 2018 (covering ) Option 2 - Board considers FHP feedback from workshop and Partnership Committee guidance at January Board meeting Option 3 - Partnership Committee provides guidance in December, Board considers PC guidance at January Board meeting * In all cases, timeframe and information requested remains as approved by the Board in 2012
USFWS FY15 Project Funding Allocation Cycle FY15 Work Plan and Accomplishment Reports o Supplemental guidance and template NFHP Board November 5-6, 2014 Board Meeting: Consideration of Partnership Committee Report on 2014 Accomplishments and 2015 Priorities Consideration of Potential Paths Forward What Next?