Kingston High School Academies Educate, Innovate, Celebrate
Development Timeline 2009-State Review Team Recommendations for small learning communities 2011-Carnegie Learning Programs Launched Spring 2012-Proposal Development Fall 2012-Finalization of Proposals for school year February 2013-Presentation of final proposals March-Summer 2013-Implementation Planning and preparation Fall 2013-Launch of 2-3 Academies
What we currently are Comprehensive High School: A large high school usually consisting of 1,000-5,000 students which provides a “comprehensive” array of programs to manage the student learning experiences towards a graduation pathway. What we are aspiring to be Academy: A type of small learning community that is strategically focused on college and career readiness while fostering a personalized learning community that supports the academic, social and emotional development of all students.
NYS Graduation Requirements English-4cr. Math-3cr. Science-3cr. Social Studies-4cr. Art/Music-1cr. Physical Education-2cr. Health-.5cr. Foreign Language-1cr. Electives-3.5cr. for a total of 22 credits 5 Regents Examinations
KHS Academies Core Courses (math, english, science, social studies) Sequenced electives (up to 6) College credit Acquisition Advanced Placement Internships and partner programs (school year and summer) Portfolio projects in real world application of critical thinking skills Personalization of learning (advisories, teacher mentors,leadership development, academic skills, college and career planning) College and career themed environment Innovative integration of technology and teaching methods High academic rigor
Aspirations for KHS Academies 9th Grade Scholar’s Academy: core courses, advisory, college/career exploration Academy of Engineering and Applied Sciences Academy of Entrepreneurialism, Finance and Management Academy of Arts and Ingenuity Academy of Law, Government and International Relations Academy of Medical Sciences and Sports Studies Virtual Academy (Acceleration, Enrichment & Remediation) Potential Early College Program
16 Career Clusters Agriculture, food, and natural resources Architecture and Construction Arts, A/V/ Technology and Communications Business, Management, and Administration Education and Training Finance Government and Public Administration marketing, Sales and Service Marketing, Sales, and Service Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Health Science hospitality and Tourism Human Services Information and Technology Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security Manufacturing
Proposals In Progress 9th Grade Scholar’s Academy Academy of Arts and Ingenuity Academy of Medical Sciences and Sports Studies Academy of Law, Government and International Relations Virtual Academy (SIF Grant)
Present Work Space Planning Outreach to local colleges, businesses and organizations for potential partnerships Learning visits to other high school academy programs Research on small learning communities around the country Proposal writing (electives, projects, programming, vision, culture,etc.) Community buy in, district level collaboration, and student communication
KHS Campus Academies Educate, Innovate, Celebrate