3-CELL TEST RESULTS & 9-CELL PLAN Howie Pfeffer 11/13/13
900 V/cell, 8.3 ohm load – no problem?!
Turn-on Ringing, cells switching within 600ns
Run just 2-cells - simplify Bottom (ground-level) cell switching in 2 nd place – measurements easier. Isolated charging circuits with high-value resistors – eliminate other possibilities. Still had oscillations when spaced less than 600 ns.
Turn-on Ringing, cells within 600ns
After various failures, started to suspect problem due to diode turn-off before diode is fully on. Seen similar problems with FETs – turning them off shortly after turning them on. If so, then problem should go away if diode is at higher current during turn-off.
Switching at 300 amps
Switching at low currents
“ON” time is important
3-cell switching at 100 amps
3-cell simultaneous turn- on at 300 amps.
No problems with 3-cell operation as long as initial turn on timing is done properly. Simultaneous turn-on yields 2700 volts with 250 ns rise time (10% - 90%). 9-cell construction under-way
Beam Top Tilt (Adj.):+/- 5 kV Beam Voltage Step :15 kV/usec Flattop/Beam Reg.:+/- 25 V Repeatability:+/- 10 V Max. spark Energy:< 5 Joules Pulse rep rate:15 Hz Maximum Output:35 kV Maximum step size:1.5 kV Load Resistance:~100 ohm Beam Length/Time:110 usec Load (Tube) Voltage 40-Cell Marx Output 12-Cell Reg. Output
Nine steps up to 8 kV Load = 100 ohms. First step on for 2 us before subsequent steps. One step followed by 8 cells simultaneously. Uses existing driver electronics. Delays between control edges and outputs. Short circuit protection Delay turn-off by 8 us after receiving trip signal. This allows overcurrent circuits on gating boards to turn off slowly.
Interleaved Regulator operation Uses Matt’s circuit. Doesn’t require ultimate resolution. Pulse one cell ON, then make 4 kV 8-cell interleaved pulse. 1 us spacing, 2 us minimum time, 8 us cycle, 96 us pulse length. Filter circuit? Short circuit response F reeze signals for 8 us then turn OFF.
Program Voltage Load Voltage TriangleSquare Wave
Short circuit testing Critical function – there will be arcs Charging diode transients during pulse Diode Qrr results in reverse current during turn-off Charge inhibit function Ensure charge switch and main switch are never on at the same time - disaster
SPARK CURRENT AND ENERGY WITH NO CURRENT LIMITTING 37,000 amps 55 Joules (50 volt arc) 18 usec
Main Switch Charging Switch Capacitor Charged to 950 volts Current
9-Cell construction on-going All 9 cells individually tested Controls for ramping complete Regulation mode controls being designed Goal: start system testing in late January