Habitats By Mrs. Blakeslee
Rainforest It rains inches per year in the tropical rainforest. Chimpanzees, gorillas, and loris’ live there. Tropical rainforests are close to the equator. 50% of the world’s plants and animal species live in the tropical rainforest.
Tundra Very cold weather. The average temperature is 10-20°F. Less than 10 inches of precipitation each year. Animals: Arctic Fox, Caribou, Polar Bear Soil is frozen, very little water.
Taiga Very cold winters, warm summers 12-33” precipitation each year Animals: lynx, moose, wolverine Long nights in winter, long days in summer because of the earth’s tilt on it’s axis Has mostly evergreen trees with needles
Desert Very hot and dry, cool at night Less than 10 inches of precipitation each year. Animals: dingo, gila monster, sidewinder Antarctica is a cold desert!
Temperate Forest This biome has 4 seasons. Average precipitation inches Average temperature 50° Leaves change color, fall off trees and grow back. Animals: gray squirrel, raccoon, turkey, black bear Animals adapt, hibernate or migrate in winter
Grasslands 10-30” rain each year Fertile soil Big open spaces Trees grow near rivers and streams Found on every continent except Antarctica Animals: zebra, bison, elephant, lion
Sources 1. What’s it like where you live? 2. Biome Basics mes.html 3. The Wild Habitat 4. The Virtual Zoo: Habitats 5. The World’s Biomes