Chapter 9 Roman Civilization
9-1 Life in Ancient Rome
Key Terms Vault Satire Ode Anatomy Forum Gladiator Paterfamilias rhetoric
Important People Virgil Horace Galen Ptolemy Spartacus
Roman Culture
Roman Culture In addition to their own developments in science and engineering, Roman artists and writers borrowed many ideas from the Greeks. Are there people in your life that you admire? What have you learned from them?
Roman Culture WHAT WAS ROMAN ART LIKE? Romans got a lot of their artistic ideas from the Romans. The difference was that Greek art showed perfect of a person, while Roman art showed the imperfections of a person.
Roman Culture WHAT WAS ROMAN ART LIKE? In building, the Romans were the first to make full use of the arch. These supported bridges, aqueducts, and buildings. They also were the first to invent and use concrete. This made buildings sturdier. Some still stand today including the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and some Roman bridges.
Roman Culture ROMAN LITERATURE Much of Roman writings were based on Greek works. The Roman writer Virgil drew many of his ideas from Homer. He wrote about a Trojan prince called Aeneas who was the ideal Roman—brave, self-controlled, and loyal to the gods.
Roman Culture
Roman Culture
Roman Culture ROMAN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Romans learned from the Greek doctor Galen, who emphasized the importance of anatomy. Ptolemy was an important scientist who studied the sky and mapped over 1,000 different stars. Romans have elaborate aqueducts to get water to the people and also a sewage system to remove waste.
Reading Check How was the character Aeneas an ideal Roman? Answer: Virgil gave him the characteristics of an ideal Roman-brave, self-controlled, and loyal to the gods.
Daily Life in Rome
Daily Life in Rome The rich and poor had very different lives in Rome, as did men and women. Do you think there is a big difference in the lives of boys and girls you know today? Why or why not?
Daily Life in Rome Rome was one of the largest cities of the ancient world. People often lived in apartment buildings that were up to 6 stories high. It was a dirty place, people throw trash on the grounds from their apartments, and thieves roamed the streets at night. The government provided bread an entertainment to citizens to prevent rioting.
Daily Life in Rome Gladiator fights were one of the most popular forms of entertainment. Gladiators were admired, much like sports heroes are today. They were usually criminals, enslaved people or poor people.
Daily Life in Rome WHAT WAS FAMILY LIKE The father was the head of the house. He carried out strict discipline and decided and arranged marriages. The household was called the paterfamilias, which means father of the family.” These families made sure their children were educated. Between the ages of 14 and 16 a boy became a man. This was celebrated by burning their toys as offerings to the gods.
Daily Life in Rome Women in Rome had rights if they came from a wealthy family. They could own land and take care of public affairs. Women who were not in wealth still have rights to go out if they wished, but when going out had to sit separate from the men.
Daily Life in Rome ROMAN RELIGION They worshipped many gods and goddesses. Roman emperors were also worshipped which strengthened support for the government. As the empire grew larger other religions came about including Christianity.
Reading Check Describe the freedoms of upper-class women that were not available to women of other classes. Answer: Only upper-class women could own land, run businesses, sell property, and go to the theater and amphitheater.