Medieval Art Hanna Mutschelknaus January 9, 2008
Medieval Art Sculptures Stained glass Mosaics Paintings
Sculpture Sculpture was mostly about Christian art. It was born on the walls of cathedrals and abbeys. It was very highly detailed. They used marble to carve their sculptures.
Stained Glass SS ince Ancient Rome, stained glass windows have been admired for their beauty. The art of stained glass reached its height between 1150 and1500 A.D. The ingredients for making glass is sand and wood ash. To color the glass, powdered metals are added to the mixture while the glass is still molten (hot and liquid).
Mosaics Mosaics are the art of decoration with stones or colored glass and other materials. It can be a technique of decorative art. A whole bunch of things backed with metal foils are used to create a picture or pattern. Mosaics were used to decorate the inside of homes in the middle ages.
Paintings European artists in the Middle Ages usually painted religious people or symbols. They painted important images for Christians. They didn’t worry about making humans and animals look real. Their landscapes, however, were very realistic.
Movie and Painting
Medieval Collage
Sources info + pictures 1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&oi=images&ct=title image 1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&oi=images&ct=title info + picture info+ picture info info on Medieval paintings the movie of placing glass in a frame for stained glass o_rec_eur_ _l.asp - The stained glass picture of the king o_rec_eur_ _l.asp
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