BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer review activity Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” 5 months Project (1.


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Presentation transcript:

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer review activity Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” 5 months Project (1 August – 31 December 2009) 100% funded by EIF under Component 5 “Support of information campaigns to raise public awareness on migration”

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Project’s main objective To support the development of better attitude among Bulgarian society towards immigrant integration

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Specific objectives To raise public awareness and sensitivity on migration phenomenon by presenting to the media and the public well motivated and powerful information about immigrants in Bulgaria To attract media and NGOs as key lobbying actors in the process of building a positive attitude towards the integration of immigrants To provoke public interest and positive attitudes in host society through creating media interest in immigrant integration policy

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Project partners “IntelDay Solutions” project’s leading organization - Bulgarian private PR and advertising company established in 2001 “Association for Integration of Refugees and Migrants” (AIRM) partner organization – NGO registered July 2004 under the Bulgarian Law for non-profit legal entities The Municipality and the State Railways

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Project Activities Information campaign focused on 5 key elements: 1. Organizing an Expert forum on the integration process of immigrants in Bulgaria 2. Producing and distributing fliers with facts and information about immigrants 3. Development of information materials for journalists; regular and active communication with media representatives by regularly sending media messages 4. Analysis of existing media attitudes and stereotypes as a key factor, shaping public opinion on migration matters 5. Organizing a special event to attract public and media interest towards the problems of immigrants and their integration

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Project responsibilities of the leading organization 1. Activity “Relations with the media” Media monitoring and media analysis of the theme “immigrants” Survey of attitudes and stereotypes among journalists in relation to immigrants and the process of their integration in Bulgarian society 2. Activity “Working with the media” Development of a special media kit - CD, designed for journalists reflecting the theme “immigrants” 3. Activity “Preparation and dissemination of information materials” Design and distribution of postcards with a special message related to immigrants Distribution among participants of freshly baked bread with recipes of four immigrant communities - Russian, Turkish, Chinese and Arabic 4. Activity “Organizing a forum” Expert forum on the integration process of immigrants in Bulgaria 5. Activity “Organizing a special public event“ Public event – a concert to raise the interest in integration of immigrants in Bulgaria

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Responsibilities of the partner organization 1. Activity “Relations with the media” Comparative analysis of the profile of immigrants in Bulgaria in terms of existing official reports and statistical studies 2. Activity “Working with the media” Assistance in the development of the media kit designed for journalists 3. Activity “Preparation and dissemination of information materials” Assistance in the distribution of postcards Design and maintainance of a webpage for the project 4. Activity “Organizing a forum” Preparation of information materials and presentations Selecting topics for discussion at the expert forum Organizing the invitation of the participants - GO, NGOs and immigrant organizations

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Role of the Municipality and Bulgarian State Railways Assistance in the organization of the public event Assistance in the distribution of postcards

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Expected Project Results Increasing the level of awareness and positive acceptance of immigrants Creating media lobby on issues of immigrants and their integration To accumulate media interest on integration of immigrants Provoking understanding in society of migrant’s rights Increasing the level of positive perceptions of immigrants Increasing the presence of press releases and Internet publications on issues related to integration of immigrants in Bulgaria

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Achieved Results Voice of immigrants heard and their problems discussed at the expert forum Media presentation of problems facing the integration of immigrants in Bulgaria Media introduced to European integration policies and good practices Interest in the project webpage - large number of hits Interest in the idea bread and bread recipes distribution The Project is among the finalists for EMEA Sabre awards

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Peer Review planning Project identified Peer reviewer appointed Reference Group established RG workshop held - Desk Review in progress

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Impact indicators Increased level of awareness among Bulgarian society on the profile, culture and values of immigrants Positive change of perception of immigrants and the process of their integration in Bulgarian society

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Outcome indicators 1. Report on the basis of the results of media analysis on media coverage of the topic of immigrants and their integration 2. Media kit – CD, containing detailed information about immigrants in our country 3. Press releases on topics aimed at positive perception of immigrants in Bulgaria 4. Media monitoring, summarizing the campaign coverage in the Bulgarian media 5. Press conference 6. Visits of AIRM’s website 7. Printed and distributed postcards with bread recipes and special message 8. Expert forum on the process of integration of immigrants in Bulgaria 9. Special public event 10. Regular meetings between media representatives and NGOs over the course of the project 11. Named individuals in each organisation with responsibility for driving the project forward 12. Clear messages being agreed between partners on the position of migrants 13. Migrant leadership involvement in the project 14. Local government involvement in the project

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Next steps Continuing the Peers desk review Formulation of headline findings, writing the initial peer review report Organizing the PR roundtable Provision of material and preparation of case studies Agreement on the final terms of the review, proposals for further action

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Arrangements of Peer Review Visit What and When ?

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Peer Review Roundtable Venue When Participants - RG, MLSP, SAR, BCRM, Media Logistics: conference room; interpreters; coffee breaks; luncheons

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” Peer Review Activity AIRM

BULGARIA MIGRANTS RIGHTS AND INTEGRATION PROJECT Peer Review Project “Immigrants: There is bread for everyone” RG workshop Summarising Project objectives Project results - what was planned, expected and achieved Main themes for project evaluation - conception, design, implementation… Formulation of evaluation indicators – impact and outcome indicators Desk review planning