Program Review & Evaluation Processes CSUSB 508/09/10 Presented by Kit Alvarez
Objectives Describe the purpose of WASC & its value Outline the WASC self-study process Identify the components of a Action Plan Describe the biennial review process and its relationship to program planning Describe steps for preparing a CCR/OCR Analyze OCR criteria Identify data for accountability reporting
Introduction Program Review And Evaluation Processes
Program Review and Evaluation Processes “The road to success is always under construction.” - Lily Tomlin
Accountability = Assessment Federal & state statutes contain accountability provisions Superintendent Delaine Eastin has given direction to CDE to work on aligning the requirements into a single state accountability system. Continuous information from multiple assessments of students, including local district, school, and classroom assessments will be essential in monitoring achievement and growth and for making instructional improvements, and implementing programs.
Program Review Processes -- Required Biennial Review Process (ROCPs) Coordinated Compliance Review Office of Civil Rights Review Performance Based Accountability (PBA)
Program Review Processes-- Optional Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Accreditation Model Practices Certification (ROCPs and Adult Schools)
What criteria will you look at to measure program accountability?
WASC: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Definition: The Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accreditation (WASC), has a protocol for accrediting schools titled Focus on Learning (1997), including an edition developed to enable ROCPs to engage in the self-study, evaluation, and accreditation process provided by WASC. (The first accreditation instrument specifically written for ROCP was developed in 1983 in cooperation with CAROCP and the Accrediting Commission for Schools.)
Why Accreditation is Important Fosters excellence and ongoing improvements in public and private schools. Assures the community that the school’s purposes & objectives are appropriate Integral to improvement, strategic planning, restructuring and staff development A way to manage change through regular assessment, planning, evaluation A means to establish goals and priority areas for improvement
WASC Focus on Learning (ROCP Protocol) Criteria Categories Organization for Student Learning Curriculum & Instruction Support for Student Personal & Academic Growth Resource Management & Development
WASC Process Parameters of the Self.doc Parameters of the Self.doc
Community & Junior Colleges Community college WASC
WASC: Community & Junior College Self Study Overview
Suggested Steps to Conduct the Self Study Select self study & steering committee chair(s) Create a steering committee to assist in the overall planning & supervision of the self study (committee size will vary per institution) Involve all constituencies in the process (students, faculty, staff, administrators, trustees, others…) Form subcommittees with diverse representation to address various standards Develop a calendar or timeline for the self study Allocate resources (time, money, people) to ensure that the process is continuous and not done 3 months before each 6 year term of accreditation is about to expire
Content of the Self Study Cover Sheet Table of Contents Certification of the Self Study Report (sign-off to verify broad participation) Abstract of Report Organization of the Self Study Background & Demographics of the institution Institution Organization Certification of compliance with Eligibility Requirements Responses to recommendations from previous evaluation Self Evaluation using WASC standards Action plan summary Any special Appendices
Ten WASC Standards 1. Institutional Mission 2. Institutional Integrity 3. Effectiveness 4. Educational Programs 5. Student Support & Development 6. Information & Learning Resources 7. Faculty & Staff 8. Physical Resources 9. Financial Resources 10. Governance & Administration
Goals of the CCR Process Decrease multiple compliance monitoring visits by CDE. Increase local responsibility for ensuring compliance by encouraging participation LEAs and schools to perform a self-review for compliance. Ensure that categorically funded students are provided with the school district’s core curriculum and that the instructional delivery system, as well as support from supplemental funds, is utilized to help these students learn the district’s core curriculum. Provide technical and management assistance to LEAs to prevent and resolve noncompliance problems.
CCR/OCR Purpose of the Self Review.doc Summary of CCR Process.doc
Biennial Review Biennial Review ed code.doc Tips for Conducting a Biennial Review.doc Tips for Conducting a Biennial Review.doc
CDE & Federal Accountability Examples of data to be reported: Analysis of the cost of individual centers and programs Enrollments of high school, post- high school and adult students Number of trainees employed in entry-level occupations Dropout rates and placement data Completer/placement data Non-traditional & special population enrollments Ethnicity, gender, economic level And more….
Reports Perkins CalWORKS Workforce Investment Act Program Review PBA Other…
The End Thank you!