APOI Project (ethnical minorities from East Europe ) Social-community intervention programme aimed to semi-nomadic or itinerant ethnical minorities families coming from East Europe. It has the purpose of developing basic reception performances for those immigrants as well as their general integration while guaranteeing their not-discrimination in accessing to general services and providing them with total assistance.
- Information, orientation and social valorisation field - Mediation and family follow-up field - Orientation and Health follow-up field - Adults promotion field - Children field - Minors field (monitoring and out-of-school support) - Labour orientation and active employment search field Intervention fields are:
APOI Project The project is specially focused on the protection and education of minors as well as on the total eradication of children mendicity of the population covered by the APOI project, the total enrolment in schools of children and the social-sanitary control of minors and adults. There are 3 phases or social-educative itineraries established: - First phase for the hosting and acquisition or consolidation of hygienic-sanitary customs, enrolment in schools of minors, adults education, permanence of children from 0 to 3 years old within the own centre for children in order to avoid children mendicity, scholastic support lessons, alphabetisation and apprenticeship of Spanish language, etc. - Second phase aims to deep on the contents and intervention fields of the first phase but specially focusing on the motivation for work, insertion in the labour market and getting prepared to future moving into a rented house.
- Third phase takes place once the families are living at houses and it is focussed on accompaniment or protection tasks. People are helped in order that the autonomy of the APOI Project is effective and their insertion/integration process is consolidated in a normalized way.
APOI Project / Results Timing: * There is no established timing for the phases before explained and they change according to each situation. Anyway, it is about 2 years for the three ones, being usually the second one the more lasting phase (about 1 year). Brief history: * In 1999 started the ACUMA Project in order to host 158 family cores of Rumanian origin with gypsy ethnic. In January 2000 the ACUMA Project became the APOI Project and performances increased. Some figures: * According to results obtained, approximately 80% of times, results were successful * About 500 people are simultaneously covered by the project.
APOI Good Practice Project The APOI Project does also work on the gender equality as well as in the distribution of tasks and fights against battering situations. In a regular and constant way, it also tries to educate parents for the properly care of children, their proper feeding, the respect for the minors, the maintenance of rhythms that improve the psychological and physical stability of children, etc. There are classrooms and places where to do follow-up of the children improvements and educational and leisure activities are acted. APOI is a Project developed by two Entities: ACCEM and Red Cross Madrid, in tripartite agreement with Madrid Community, City council of Madrid and IMSERSO.