ATLAS muon endcap 1 layer of tracking chambers (MDT) 3 layers of trigger chambers (TGC) which we are working on ATLAS TGC installation and commissioning.


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Presentation transcript:

ATLAS muon endcap 1 layer of tracking chambers (MDT) 3 layers of trigger chambers (TGC) which we are working on ATLAS TGC installation and commissioning Collaboration of ICEPP-Tokyo Kobe Shinshu KEK Nagoya TMU …… Weizmann Tel Aviv Technion On Detector Electronics Online Offline …… JP IL

ATLAS TGC installation and commissioning Assembly of sectors 72 sectors in total 29 sectors completed, 43 sectors to go in next < 9 months Tests of electronics / tests using electronics / DAQ ref: Sakamoto’s talk

(Mechanically) completed 1st wheel. Commissioning starting

ATLAS TGC installation and commissioning Tests of electronics / tests using electronics Chamber operation / make it to work Performance checks sector level wheel level complete system, using cosmic rays, then with beams Think, develop, design, build whatever needed to make the detector working LHC commissioning 0.45TeV7 TeV forever sectors assembly wheels installation (-z) wheels installation (+z) commissioning Complete system Detector performance, physics

ATLAS upgrade studies “forever” (in the previous page) may not be that long Discussion and studies of possible LHC upgrade ~ 2016 Luminosity upgrade : nominal > cm -2 s -1 In several years of LHC operation, some parts of LHC some parts of ATLAS/CMS will be degraded and need replacement anyway Extending ATLAS physics potential: Reach to higher energy scale (why ?) access to rare processes ATLAS upgrade is required ( beyond the original design ) Increased collision rate Radiation tolerance detector occupancy / data size

ATLAS upgrade studies What about the muon endcap detector ? Seems OK in general, but …. Worry about chamber lifetime (radiation damage) Electronics requires (modest ?) upgrade to cope with increased rate Worry about performance at the region close to beams (high rate) Kind of worry depends also on precise scenario of LHC upgrade (eg. bunch interval, …) Studies would include Further study of radiation performance of chambers Studies of electronics upgrade (including detector simulation studies) Developments of possible new detector (to add or partial replacement) (faster and radiation stronger detector for trigger) Studies for wider scope would also be worthwhile (eg. Tracking, …)

ATLAS upgrade studies Possible example: