PaSaMuF v.1.0 file sharing system “There is a word in search of a meaning and a product in search of a name” PaSaMuF Publish and Share and Manage ur Files Deckblatt
PaSaMuF v.1.0 file sharing system Requirements Optimized for metadata- and fulltext-search in office documents (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe PDF, etc.) Open Cross-Plattform Architecture (OpenSource, Java, Soap,etc.) Provide access to documents for a well defined group of users (eg. HPI students, project teams, science groups, etc.)
PaSaMuF v.1.0 file sharing system Requirements Solutions Networking with TCP/IP, HTTP & SOAP Central Server for User-Management... Being Cross-Plattform using Java...Peer to Peer topology for the clients Solutions
PaSaMuF v.1.0 file sharing system Core Application
PaSaMuF v.1.0 file sharing system Interaction
PaSaMuF v.1.0 file sharing system Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. Apache AXIS is an implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") submission to W3C. APIs for manipulating various file formats based upon Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound Document format using pure Java. High-performance, full-featured text search engine written entirely in Java. + Components
PaSaMuF v.1.0 file sharing system GUI: Search
PaSaMuF v.1.0 file sharing system GUI: Ext. Search
PaSaMuF v.1.0 file sharing system GUI: Results
PaSaMuF v.1.0 file sharing system GUI: Preferences #######
PaSaMuF v.1.0 file sharing system Dokumentation Dokumentation JavaDoc (Sourcecode documentation) DocBook-XML (Project documentation) Windows HTML Help
PaSaMuF v.1.0 file sharing system Future Plans Increase Security (SSL) Native Client Applications (MFC, Swing, QT, etc) ? Increased Search-Results by AI-technologies (eg. Neuronal Networks like SOM-Maps)