Michael Logsdon, Ben Larson, David Baylon 13 December th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA (206)
SEEM: Simple Energy and Enthalpy Model Used at the RTF and throughout the region to model energy use of residential buildings The simulation currently has an energy balance and air moisture balance Under a NEEA project, Ecotope has developed of an infiltration and ventilation module, an air mass balance, for SEEM 2
Changes to SEEM Natural infiltration sources Calculating infiltration due to natural & mechanical sources SEEM specific modeling assumptions Example infiltration model output Comparison to other infiltration models Comparison to field measurements Discussion 3
Current SEEM uses a fixed value for the outside air infiltration to the house. Input in ACHn (natural air changes per hour) & is constant every hour of year Input value includes sources of outside air: infiltration & mechanical ventilation Duct leakage impacts are calculated separately Updated SEEM calculates a different outside air infiltration amount for every hour of the year based on mass balance: stack effect, wind, mechanically inducted airflows, and both balanced and unbalanced duct leakage Key new inputs: ▪ CFM50Pa: the blower door test result of air leakage at 50 Pascals pressure difference ▪ Stack height: average height of a column of warm indoor air above grade ▪ Fan flows and schedules Additional updates: hourly schedules for internal gains and thermostat settings 4
Inputs: CFM50 Stack Height Fan Type (Exhaust, Supply, HRV) Fan CFM Fan Efficiency or HRV Efficiency Schedules: Fan, T-Stat, Internal Gains ▪ Schedules are hourly & include 7 individual days per week Outputs: Average Annual ACH Ventilation Fan Energy (kWh/yr to run ventilation system) Balance Point 5
Natural Infiltration: airflow caused by pressure differences across cracks and leaks Total infiltration: airflow caused by the cumulative effects of natural infiltration and mechanical ventilation. The model does not account for occupant effects such as opening doors or windows. 6
Driving Force: ΔT 7 Driving Force: Wind Speed
Empirical Power Law Flow: Q=CΔP n Q – Flow rate, typically Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) C – Constant with units CFM/(Pascals^n) ΔP – Pressure difference n – Dimensionless flow exponent 8 Rewrite equation to define a “leakage area”
Inflows are positive, outflows are negative, and all flows must sum to zero: Mass is neither created nor destroyed in this process. Flow through the floor, walls, and ceiling depend on pressure difference as found from stack effect and wind. Mechanical flow is the net, unbalanced flow rate due to mechanical sources, such as exhaust fans, unbalanced duct leakage, etc… 9
Flow Exponent n=0.65 Leakage Area Distributions Crawlspace Floor: 25% Walls: 50% Ceiling: 25% Slab/Heated Basement Floor: 0% Walls: 67% Ceiling: 33% 10
Average value of flow exponent from Modeled & Measured Infiltration Papers is (sample size = 10) Blower Door User Manual suggests using n=0.65 as a typical flow exponent for large sample sets In progress RBSA dataset 11
Houses are Square Wind acts only on the walls Wind approaches either orthogonal to a face or at a 45° angle Leakage area is distributed uniformly along the walls 12
Velocity is found according to the AIM-2 method Meteorological wind speed is corrected to site wind speed 13 Vsite is further reduced for local shelter to Veffective Assume Shelter Class 3 “Heavy shielding, many large obstructions within two house heights with Sw=0.7.
Annual average ACH Method ClimateSEEMAIM-2LBL62.2 Seattle, WA Portland, OR Boise, ID Spokane, WA Kalispell, MT Sample calculations for a house with CFM50=2182 (7ach50), stack height=16 ft, floor area=2200ft2, volume=18,700ft3, flow exponent=0.65 Std 62.2 calcs from spreadsheet for whole house ventilation requirements – natural infiltration only
16 Sample calculations for a house with CFM50=2000, stack height=16 ft in a Seattle climate. Exhaust fan flow is continuous. Solid lines calculated combined infiltration and exhaust flows using full model
House Characteristics: ▪ Floor area 2200 ft 2 ▪ 16 ft stack height ▪ Leakage of 2182 cfm at 50Pa (7ach50) ▪ Volume 18,700 ft 3 ▪ Duct leakage: ▪ 12% supply ▪ 10% return 17
gfacsf1344, Seattle Washington Fan CFMACH AveHeating Load (kWh) Fan runs 8 hours per day, simulated in a house with 7 ACH50. 18
Comprehensive measurements of infiltration in houses using a multi- tracer measurement system (MTMS) Tracer gases injected in a controlled way to each zone. Gas concentrations were sampled every 12 minutes to measure infiltration on small time steps. Measurement period typically lasted 2-5 days depending on the site Data presented in report provides average values of temperature, wind speed, and measured infiltration over measurement period Logged, interval data provides the best basis for comparison - currently have this data for one site, Site #9 19 Third in a series of reports which covered all 10 houses in the entire project.
House characteristics 2-story site-built house over a daylight basement 1930s era construction Seattle 1500ft 2 20ft stack height Electric furnace & supply ducts in basement 13ACH50 Duct leakage unmeasured Measured data sampled every 12 minutes (5x/hr) Model comparisons made for natural infiltration only – excluding duct leakage effects 21 March 27 Air handler on
22 April 1
Sample SEEM simulation output showing varying infiltration and effects of duct leakage & air handler House characteristics: 2200ft2 Seattle TMY3 climate 16 ft stack height 7ach50 Duct leakage 15% supply, 12% return 23 Air handler on April 22
Houses with ventilation systems which operate on an hourly level can be modeled Infiltration more accurately modeled over the entire year More infiltration under strong heating and cooling conditions and less in the shoulder seasons Energy impacts of ventilation codes/stds, such as ASHRAE 62.2 can be modeled Interior installations of heat pump water heaters combining a ventilation and internal gains schedule can model both vented and unvented scenarios 24
What do we mean when we say a house has 0.35ach? (effective annual average outside air changes) “divide by 20” rule of thumb for converting BD tests to ach natural was largely derived from datasets for total infiltration in the heating season Without mechanical sources, the natural infiltration implied by a 7ach50 test, gives effective annual ach depending on building type and climate. To get to 0.35ach, if the blower door test is 7ach50, the annual effective air change will also include mechanical sources New infiltration model allows (requires) us to understand (assign) separate sources of outside air: ▪ stack, wind, ducts, mechanical ventilation 25
Infiltration calculations make SEEM more physically grounded Leads to better understanding of house leakage and ventilation systems Hourly schedules add more flexibility and complexity 26
Input value calibration exercises for site-built and manufacture houses Given existing priorities in the RTF work plan, recalibration of existing single family, site-built house simulations and measures to be conducted at a later date ▪ Potentially not until the measures sunset Manufactured house calibrations presented later today 27
Motion: Adopt the updated version of SEEM, with its new infiltration calculations, for use in modeling site- built houses, manufactured houses, and small- scale multi-family buildings. 28