AME Education Sector Profile Pakistan
Education System Structure and Enrollments 2004 Education Structure Education System Structure and Enrollments 2004 Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Data Notes: 2004 Enrollments Total % Pre-primary 3573929 38.92 Primary 16207286 64.46 Lower Secondary ** 4321261 35.46 Upper Secondary ** 3927902 25.12 Tertiary 520666 ** gross enrolment rates Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics
Compulsory education in Pakistan consists of grades 1-5. 39% -- 65% Education Structure Compulsory education in Pakistan consists of grades 1-5. Education Configuration and Enrollment Percentages % Net Enrollments Classification Level/Grade Ages 2004 2007 Pre-primary Pre-school 3-4 39% -- Pre-university Primary, grades 1-5 5-9 65% 66% Lower Secondary, grades 6-8 10-12 35% 42%* Upper secondary, grades 9-12 13-16 25% 21%* Tertiary Undergraduate study N/A Post graduate study *Gross Enrollment Rate Source: Note: Definitions: Net enrollment: Ratio of children of official school age for a particular grade or education level, enrolled in a particular grade or level, expressed as a percentage of the population in that same age group. Gross enrollment: Total enrolment (regardless of age), as a percentage of the population in the official age group corresponding to a particular level of education. N/A – Not Available Source: UNESCO UIS
Education Access: Pre-university Primary enrollment has increased slightly. General secondary enrollment increased 10% in five years. Source: UNESCO UIS Analysis: Data: 2001 2006 Pre-primary 38.9 -- Primary 64.5 65.6 Low Secondary 35.5 41.7 Upper Secondary 25.1 21.3 Gen Secondary 19.3 29.7 Lower and Upper Secondary Enrollments are Gross ratios Source: UNESCO UIS
Education Access: Tertiary University enrollments have more than doubled in the last five years. Source: UNESCO UIS Analysis: Data Notes: Total University Enrollments – all programs 2002 385,506 2003 401,056 2004 520,666 2005 782,621 2006 820,347 2007 954,698 Source: UNESCO UIS
Education Access: Gender Girls’ enrollments lags behind boys’ by more than 15% but the gap is narrowing slightly. Source: UNESCO UIS Analysis: Data notes: 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 Female 46.04663 48.83686 54.02864 57.83735 57.30807 Male 67.82219 67.60007 74.34187 76.10335 73.47 Source: UNESCO UIS
Education Access: Gender Boys’ secondary enrollments are increasing steadily. Girls’ enrollments have experienced uneven progress at the secondary level. Source: UNESCO UIS Analysis: Data Notes: 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Lower secondary, Female 26.04 29.33 31.70 35.92 38.91 Upper secondary, Female 21.03 23.10 19.70 18.85 19.90 Lower secondary, Male 37.52 41.26 43.31 47.19 51.70 Upper secondary, Male 23.19 27.02 23.54 23.58 25.90 Source: UNESCO UIS
Education Quality: Completion Girls are making steady progress at improved completion rates. Boys’ rates have stalled at 70%. Source: World Bank EdStats Data notes: 2005 2006 2007 Male 71.4% 70.2% 70.0% Female 51.0% 52.9% 56.2% Total 61.5% 61.0% 63.3% Source: World Bank EdStats
Education Quality: Testing Pakistan does not participate in any international student achievement testing. Source: Analysis:. Definition: TIMSS: Trends in International Math and Science Study, a test of math and science for 4th and 8th graders, is used to compare educational achievement on an international basis. The exam tests student knowledge of basic math and science concepts which should be standard curricula offerings for grade 4 and 8 learners. Data Notes: Source:
Education Equity: Academic Disparities Pakistan’s system is not heavily dependent on the vocational system at the secondary level. Only about 2% of students attend vocational secondary education. Percentage Vocational Enrollments at Secondary Education 2004 2005 2006 2007 General Secondary 97.7% 97.2% 97.6% 97.8% Vocational Secondary 2.3% 2.8% 2.4% 2.2% Total Students 5,609,431 5,436,123 5,691,715 6,272,536 Source: UNESCO UIS Analysis: Data notes: Source: UNESCO UIS
Education Efficiency: Expenditure Pakistan spends the majority of its education budget on primary education in order to get the foundation level built up again. Source: World Bank Analysis: Data notes: 2002 Primary 45.9 Secondary 26.8 Technical/Vocational 5.7 Tertiary 12.1 Source: World Bank
Education Efficiency: Repetition Pakistan spends a relatively small amount of its GDP on education and the system is not efficient in reducing repetition rates in relation to its investment. Source: World Bank EdStats Analysis: Data Notes: Repetition % GDP Pakistan 5.3 2.9 Jordan 0.5 6 Kuwait 2.5 7.1 Lebanon 9.7 2.6 Yemen 4.6 6.8 MENA 7.8 4 OECD 5.6 Definitions: MENA: Middle East and North Africa OECD: Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development Source: World Bank EdStats