Platform MapSup Monitoring and learning scenarios, Senegalese case Dr. Alassane Diop Ph. D. in Computer Science University Alioune Diop of Bambey (Senegal) International Workshop on Applications of ICTs in Education, Healthcare and Agriculture, December 15-16, 2014, Islamabad
Material According to the World Bank, education is one of the most powerful tools that exist to reduce poverty and inequality, and it lays the foundation for sustained economic growth. The World Bank compiles data on factors of production, participation, efficiency and results in the field of education. The education data are compiled by the Institute of the United Nations Statistics for Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO) and from official responses to surveys and reports provided by the authorities education in each country [ worldbank 2012].
Research Framework Our research is carried out within the framework of a project on the contribution of Information Technology and Communication for Development ( Tic4Dev ). The main objective of Tic4Dev is to develop innovative applications that actors emerging countries can use to take certain actions. This project is based primarily on the development of applications available online and designed for developing countries.
Positioning In this paper, we will use the indicators of the theme on Education for Senegal. The developed platform enables effective management of schools, universities and institutes of public and private training. It thus allows to track the learner from kindergarten to higher education. The Senegalese case is studied in this paper, but the overall objective is for all emerging countries in Africa.
Education Indicators Six indicators to support the design of MapSup School enrollment, preschool, (% raw) School enrollment, elementary (% raw ) Primary education, number of students School enrollment, High School (% raw) High School education, number of students School enrollment, Superior Academic, University (% raw)
The raw enrollment rate is the ratio of total enrollment, regardless of age, and the population of the age group that officially corresponds to the level of education. Education Indicators School enrollment, preschool (% raw)
Education Indicators School enrollment, primary (% raw )
Primary education, number of students Education Indicators
School enrollment, secondary (% raw) Education Indicators
Secondary education, number of students
School enrollment, tertiary, university (% raw) Education Indicators
Method By studying the data on education in Senegal since 1960 to the present, we see an increase in the number of pupils, students and public and private schools at all levels. This growth requires a computerized tracking of learners. Submit a consistent data model that meets the requirements ( management and monitoring of the learner) and implement applications that will constitute the MapSup platform. Developed the platform MapSup, an environment on line multisite and multi-agents of automatic and autonomous management of schools and training institutes of pre-school with higher education.
MapSup E-School connector passage E-School Elementary High School Superior Academic, University Preschool connector passage High School Data Organization and the architecture of the platform MapSup
MapSup - Demonstration LMDPRO Superior Academic, University Computerized management of students and LMD training, higher education in Senegal
MapSup Thanks Pr. Tahir dit Abdoulaye Diop Teacher-researcher, University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar, Senegal Questions