Precise measurement of knee movements using bone-fixated optical markers during performance of natural movement patterns
Goal Understand knee injuries due to load pattern Development of new knee joint model Establish a exact dataset of 10 individuals – Precise movement of femur, tibia and patella – Reduce further need of similar data set
Subjects 10 healthy subjects No disabilities to the lower limbs No serious injuries or illness during the last year 1 case where patient has abnormalities in the lower limb
Experiment Subject transported to local hospital In a full surgical theater, 3 sterilized bone pine (Strycker Howmedica) is drilled in to femur, tibia, patella under local anesthesia (Lidocaine 1%, 4 hours) Two stereophotogrammetry x-rays are acquired of the knee joint
Experiment Subject is transported to the gait lab – Skin mounted surface markers is attached – 8 surface electromyography electrodes are attached with double adhesive tape – Subject is asked to carry out natural movements Gait, Crouch, Slow running, – Subject is video recorded for post-evaluation Subject is transported back to the hospital – Bone pins are removed – Insertion area is cleaned and bandaged (Curapor sterile, Lohmann & Rauscher)
Time Transportation to hospital 90 min (45*2) Attachment of bone markers and x-ray, 1.5 hours Measurement in lab 3-4 hours Bone markers removal, 0.25 hours Total: 7.25 hours
Compensation 500 euro/day Lunch and dinner Full covered health insurance for everything that can be linked to the experiment
Risk Risk for small damage of tissue around the pin Mild pain during experiment No side effect of MRI scans Stereophotogrammetry x-ray classified as Category 1 risk 19 known subject has had bone pins attached, no know side effects have been reported
Subject follow up After 1 week and 1 Month – Subject is contacted over phone – Pain? – Discomfort?
Publicity Once the dataset is collected and the initial data processing has been carried out, the data will be distributed among the primary partners A half years later, the dataset will be published on the Internet, where researchers around the world can download and use data for further research and development of knee models
Approved/Rejected Your group is the local ethic board, and its up to you to grant or reject the proposal 5 min: talk over the application with your group members Questions to scientists? 2 min: Make your final decision Approved (Changes ?) / Rejected (Why)
Subjects 10 healthy subjects No disabilities to the lower limbs No serious injuries or illness during the last year 1 case where patient has abnormalities in the lower limb
Experiment Subject transported to local hospital In a full surgical theater, 3 sterilized bone pine (Strycker Howmedica) is drilled in to femur, tibia, patella under local anesthesia (Lidocaine 1%, 4 hours) Two stereophotogrammetry x-rays are acquired of the knee joint
Time Transportation to hospital 90 min (45*2) Attachment of bone markers and x-ray, 1.5 hours Measurement in lab 3-4 hours Bone markers removal, 0.25 hours Total: 7.25 hours
Experiment Subject is transported to the gait lab – Skin mounted surface markers is attached – 8 surface electromyography electrodes are attached with double adhesive tape – Subject is asked to carry out natural movements Gait Crouch Slow running Cutting movement (jumping side ways) – Subject is video recorded for post-evaluation
Compensation 500 euro/day (100 DKR/hour (10 euro), max 300 DKR/Day) Lunch and dinner Full covered health insurance for everything that can be linked to the experiment
Risk Infection-risk CT-risk Risk for small damage of tissue around the pin Mild pain during experiment No side effect of MRI scans Stereophotogrammetry x-ray classified as Category 1 risk 19 known subject has had bone pins attached, no know side effects have been reported