Fiscal Year 2013 Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCN) Competitive Funding Opportunity HRSA HCCN Technical Assistance (TA) Website:
Agenda Funding Opportunity Announcement Application Components Review Criteria 2
Overview Purpose: To support the adoption, implementation, and meaningful use of Health Information Technology (HIT) and technology- enabled quality improvement strategies in Section 330 funded health centers. Approximately $2 million Approximately 3 to 5 grants 3
Eligibility and Exclusions 4 Eligible applicants are HCCNs that are majority controlled by and acting on behalf of health centers funded under Section 330 of the PHS Act Eligible applicants have at least ten Health Center Program grantees committed to participating with the HCCN to achieve the goals of the grant program Applicants cannot: 1.Be HCCNs funded in December 2012 under HRSA Propose participating health centers that are currently participating in projects funded under HRSA
Program Requirements 1.Adoption and Implementation Activities to assist participating health centers to effectively adopt and implement an ONC- certified EHR system at all sites. 5
Program Requirements 2.Meaningful Use Activities to assist participating health centers to become meaningful users of EHR systems and have their providers receive EHR incentive payments. 6
Program Requirements 3.Quality Improvement Activities to assist participating health centers to improve operational quality, reduce health disparities, and improve population health through HIT, including becoming recognized as a Patient-Centered Medical Home. 7
Application Project Narrative Project Work Plan Attachments 8
Project Narrative & Review Criteria Need (15 points) Response (25 points) Collaboration (10 points) Evaluative Measures (15 points) Resources/Capabilities (20 points) Governance (5 points) Support Requested (10 points) 9
Project Work Plan: Requirements 10 Adoption and Implementation Goal A1: Percent of participating health centers’ sites that have implemented a certified EHR system Goal A2: Percent of eligible providers using a certified EHR system Focus Areas Due Diligence Economies of Scale/Vendor Management Pre-Implementation Go-live Post-Implementation/Ongoing Support
Project Work Plan: Requirements 11 Meaningful Use Goal B1: Percent of eligible providers who have registered and attested/applied for EHR Incentive Program payments Goal B2: Percent of eligible providers receiving EHR Incentive Program payments Focus Areas System Architecture EHR Incentive Program Application Ongoing Support
Project Work Plan: Requirements 12 Quality Improvement Goal C1: Percent of health centers that meet or exceed Healthy People 2020 goals on at least one UDS clinical quality measure Goal C2: Percent of health centers that achieve PCMH recognition or maintain/increase their PCMH recognition level Focus Areas HIT Enabled Use of Data for Quality Improvement Data Sharing and Information Exchange Best Practices for System Use and System Optimization Use of Health IT for Practice Transformation and Alignment with Health Care Landscape
Program Review Resources Funding Opportunity Announcement Frequently Asked Questions Side by Side of Project Narrative and Review Criteria HCCN Application TA Website: