New Testament Survey Introduction
Family Life in Israel Being Part of the Family of God
Remains of synagogue in Corazin
Olive Oil Production 1 st pressing – synagogue (lamps, anointing) 2 nd pressing – household lamps 3 rd pressing – cooking 4 th pressing – soap, lard
Shepherds still tend their flocks in Israel. A young boy walks in front; the head shepherd follows the flock, watching over them all.
Remains of family dwellings
Bayit – Family Dwelling Family quarters Work space Stable Guest quarters
Bayit – Family Dwelling Family quarters- newly wed couple “I go to prepare a place for you”
Bayit – Family Dwelling “In my Father’s house are many rooms”
Psalm 2:7 He said to me, “You are my son; today I have become your Father.”
1 John 3:1-2 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
From Dan to Beersheva: A Land of Milk and Honey The Geography of Israel Dan
West to East: 1. Coastal Plain Caesarea
West to East: 2. Shephelah Sorek Valley from Bet Shemesh
West to East: 3. Central Mountain Range En Gedi
West to East: 4. Jordan Rift Dead Sea from Masada
West to East: 5. Eastern Plateau “Mount Sodom” at Dead Sea
North to South Galilee (wet / green) Negev (dry) and Wilderness (Desert)
Mediterranean Sea Caesarea
Sea of Galilee Capernaum
Dead Sea
Jordan River
From Moses to Ariel Sharon: Heritage and Hope The History of Israel
One Nation Under God? 1250 – 1200 BC, Exodus, Conquest (Canaanites) 1200 – 1050 BC, Judges (Canaanites, Philistines, others) 1050 – 931 BC, United Monarchy (Philistines) 931 – 586 BC, Divided Monarchy (Assyria, Babylon, each other)
Dominating Empires Assyrian (750 – 625 BC; defeated Israel, 722 BC) Babylonian (625 – 539 BC; defeated Judah, 586 BC) Persian (539 – 331 BC; Cyrus allowed return to Palestine) Greek (331 – 166 BC) Roman (63 BC – 323 AD)
Hasmoneans 166 – 63 BC Greeks desecrated the temple in 167 BC Temple cleansed and rededicated in 164 BC Chanukah, Festival of Lights
Theater in Caesarea Greek Influence
Roman Empire 63 BC – 323 AD Herod the Great (37 – 4 BC) Herod Antipas (4 BC – 39 AD) Herod Agrippa I, II (39 – 66 AD)
Antonia Fortress, Jerusalem Roman Power Pax Romana
Aqueduct at Caesarea
Model of Herodian Temple
Jewish Revolt Synagogue desecrated in Caesarea, 66 AD Riot spread to Jerusalem Thousands of Jews killed Temple destroyed, 70 AD
Temple Destroyed 70 AD Herodian era street recently uncovered showing rubble and damage from stones pushed off the temple mount in the destruction of the temple
Roman Camp, Masada
Boulders as defense
Bar Kochba Revolt 132 – 135 AD Messianic pretender Devastation of Jerusalem
Succession of Power 323 – 638, Byzantine (Constantinople) 638 – 1099, Islam 1099 – 1187, Crusaders 1187 – 1250, Islam 1250 – 1517, Mamluk (Egypt) 1517 – 1917, Ottoman (Turks) 1917 – 1948, British protectorate 1948 – today, State of Israel
Dome of the Rock, Temple Mount, Jerusalem