LOWER LIMB Chapter 7
Pelvic (hip) Girdle Attaches the lower limb to the axial skeleton Secured to the axial skeleton with the strongest ligaments in the body Transmits full body weight of the upper limb to the lower limbs Supports the visceral organs of the pelvic region Lacks the mobility of the shoulder but is more stable
Made of 7 bones: Sacrum, Ilium (2), ishium (2), Pubis (2) Known as the “os coxae” The “acetabulum” is the socket in which the head of the femur sits (hip joint)
Ilium Known as the flank and has wing like projections called “ala” When you rest your hands on your hips your are placing them on the “iliac crest” on each side The “iliac fossa” is on the medial surface of and is concave, has an ear like shape
Ischium Is the lower bone of the pelvic girdle It is “L” shaped Attaches to the ilium superiorly and the pubis anteriorly
Pubis Anterior portion of the hip bone Lies horizontally and the bladder rest upon it Joined together by the pubic symphysis – a fibrocartilage disc between the tow pubis bones Forms the pubic arch which is helpful in determining the gender of a skeleton A larger arch indicates a female A smaller arch indicates a male
LOWER LIMB The “thigh” is the region between the knee and the hip. Contains only one bone the “FEMUR” It is the largest, longest and strongest bone in the body Articulates with the hip via a ball and socket type joint Articulates distally with the TIBIA via the lateral and medial epicondyles
Patella is a triangular sesamoid bone that articulates anteriorly with the femur and tibia Held in place the patellular ligament
LOWER LEG Region between the knee and the ankle Composed of two bones: Tibia (larger) & Fibula (smaller) Fibula is stick like and non weight bearing Tibia bears the weight of the body Key features include medial and lateral condyles Articulates with the femur and distally with the medial malleolus
FOOT The tarsus consists of 7 tarsal bones that compose the posterior half of the foot The metarsus is very important for it is a weight bearing region that consists of 5 bones There are 14 phalanges the big toe is number 1 known as the “hallux” There are 3 arches of the foot: medial, lateral longitudinal and transverse connected by tendons and ligaments