SAE Based Programs, Degrees and Proficiency Awards – General Revisions
SAE-Based Awards and Degrees General Revisions Revised application providing automatic calculations and number transfer Emphasis on skill attainment not financial gain (Handout Proficiency Award and Stars Rubric) Utilize Farm Financial Standards Council’s Financial Guidelines for Agricultural Producers for collecting financial data utilized in award applications – Use of the fair market value standards to determine eligibility requirements, net worth and balance sheet totals. Follow IRS and FFSC guidelines related to Exchange, Transfer and Barter
SAE-Based Awards Hours Available in a Year? Hours Per Year:365 days a year X 24 hrs = 8,760 hours Sleep Hours:365 days a year X 8 hrs. = 2,920 hours School Year180 days a year X 7 hrs. = 1,260 hours (36 week school year) Vacation14 days X 16 Hrs. = 224 hours Holidays: Christmas/New Yrs. X 4 Days = 96 hours Family time/recreation 15 hours per week 780 hours Homework and study time 10 hrs/wk/36wks 360 hours Personal care time (meals, bathroom,) 4 day/365 Days 1,460 hours Hours remaining in a year=1,660 hours What about other activities – FFA, Sports or Community?
SAE-Based Awards General Revisions Utilize Federal labor laws regarding unpaid or directed laboratory hours reported for placement programs. State laws may have more restrictions. Teachers need to consult and follow state child labor laws. Maximum acceptable hours which will be applied regardless if a student works for parents or an employer. –12-13 year olds 640 hours max per year –14-15 year olds1468 hours max per year –16-17 year olds2064 hours max per year –18 or older2080 hours or realistic hours based on student situation
SAE-Based Awards General Revisions Inventory –Inventory items must be off set by purchase, gift, exchange, inheritance or as non-cash Vehicles (Placement ) –States decision if vehicles = productively invested assets –If vehicle is include operation costs, fuel, insurance, annual depreciation… must also be claimed as expense
Proficiency Awards
SAE-Based Awards Proficiency Degree Revisions Added New Areas and Clarified Existing Areas –Goat Production (formerly in Specialty Animal Production) involves the use of the best management practices available to efficiently produce and market all goat products (meat, milk, fiber and products). –Agriscience Research Proficiency Areas Animal Systems Research Environmental Service Systems / Natural Resource Systems Research Food Products and Processing Systems Research Plant Systems Research Power, Structural and Technical Systems Research Social Sciences Research Diversified Research
SAE-Based Awards Proficiency Degree Revisions –Veterinary Medicine name change to Veterinary Science SAE enterprises working with veterinarians in clinical practice, research facilities, colleges of veterinary medicine, animal health industry, or any other environment in which they assist veterinarians in performing duties related to the health of people and/or the health and welfare of large and small animals. This experience may include wage earning, entrepreneurial or exploratory activities not limited to: hands- on care of animals, management of business aspects of a veterinary practice, or working on legislation or regulations relating to animals
SAE-Based Awards Proficiency Degree Revisions Technical Proficiency Award Application One Application (one scoring rubric) –Entrepreneurship SAE, –Placement SAE –Or Combined (Entrepreneurship/Placement) »Evaluate Entrepreneurship and Placement information if in a combined area, such as Ag. Processing – Entrepreneurship/Placement Check website for current award areas being offered
SAE-Based Awards Proficiency Degree Revisions Skills reported will be aligned to AFNR Career Cluster Pathway Indicator Statements –Report 10 skills in related pathway (i.e. Forage Production use Plant Systems Indicators) –Report 5 skills from other pathways (i.e. Marketing of Forage Products use Agribusiness Pathways) Same indicator can be used multiple times Record hours needed to master skill and integrate into the operation of SAE enterprises.
SAE-Based Awards Proficiency Degree Revisions Application Information Application collects financial information based on FFSC Guidelines for Agricultural Producers. Majority of accounting financial information will transfer to balance sheets. Reduced double entry of Financial Information Use Auto calculations for Summary Pages 2012 application required for award year 2012