That ’ s me! My name is Sivan Bar-lev, I ’ m 15, and I live in Israel. I study in the 10 th grade, and My subject is Theatre. Click for another page! Oscar
D-tails Here are some details about me: Birth date: 7/26/1987 Birth place: Israel, Jerusalem Hobbies: Singing, dancing, reading, traveling, Hang with my friends, listen to music –and like everybody(almost) –T.V –REBELDE WAY, channel 3 and mtv.
Sub –culture:introduction My subject is Israeli rap because I like this kind of music. This music has many messages to give to the society – these are their opinions about different situations.
Israeli - rap In Israeli rap there could be many beliefs – to each group. Take subliminal, for example. Its main belief is that Israel is a good place, and we need to live here. The main value is that Jerusalem is the most important. The norms are: wearing big wide clothes (especially black), wearing a David's shield. People who belong to this sub-culture speak mostly like the black guys in America, wave their hands like other rappers and so. They use a David shield as a symbol of their belief in Jerusalem and Israel.. Continue ….
Continue… People listen to this music because they like the style. In addition they want to hear what the guys have to say. I don't think there's something negative in Israeli rap. I don't know if there's a sub-culture, which disagrees with this. Anybody could belong to Israeli rap, and there's no need to do anything special.