1 ORACLE Data Mining Included with ORACLE 10g Freely available for UVic and for personal unlimited evaluation use. Choose the enterprise version!
2 Creating a data mining user A data mining user is a canonical user, but with a few more privileges than usual. As ‘system’ create a canonical user: CREATE USER dmuser1 IDENTIFIED BY dmpsw DEFAULT TABLESPACE users TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp QUOTA UNLIMITED on users; Then, grant privileges to this user: GRANT create procedure to DMUSER1; GRANT create session to DMUSER1; GRANT create table to DMUSER1; GRANT create sequence to DMUSER1; GRANT create view to DMUSER1; GRANT create job to DMUSER1; GRANT create type to DMUSER1; GRANT create synonym to DMUSER1; GRANT execute on ctxsys.ctx_ddl to DMUSER1; Now, DMUSER1 is ready to perform data mining tasks.
3 ‘sh’ user To use the examples you have to activate the sh user. There are the example data Created during ORACLE installation. However, it’s not active. To activate: Open Oracle Enterprise Manager. Login as ‘system’. Go to ‘administration’ tab, then click on users, find the ‘sh’ user and activate it.
4 Using the data of ‘sh’ Connect (login) as sh and grant SELECT privilege to dmuser1 for these tables: COUNTRIES CUSTOMERS PRODUCTS SUPPLEMENTARY_DEMOGRAPHICS SALES In other words execute: GRANT SELECT ON customers TO dmuser1; GRANT SELECT ON sales TO dmuser1; GRANT SELECT ON products TO dmuser1; GRANT SELECT ON supplementary_demographics TO dmuser1; GRANT SELECT ON countries TO dmuser1; Now, dmuser1 is able to execute SELECT on these tables, and create views on them.
5 DMUSER1: Creating views on ‘sh’ data CREATE VIEW mining_data_build_v AS SELECT a.CUST_ID, a.CUST_GENDER, 2003-a.CUST_YEAR_OF_BIRTH AGE, a.CUST_MARITAL_STATUS, c.COUNTRY_NAME, a.CUST_INCOME_LEVEL, b.EDUCATION, b.OCCUPATION, b.HOUSEHOLD_SIZE, b.YRS_RESIDENCE, b.AFFINITY_CARD, b.BULK_PACK_DISKETTES, b.FLAT_PANEL_MONITOR, b.HOME_THEATER_PACKAGE, b.BOOKKEEPING_APPLICATION, b.PRINTER_SUPPLIES, b.Y_BOX_GAMES, b.OS_DOC_SET_KANJI FROM sh.customers a, sh.supplementary_demographics b, sh.countries c WHERE a.CUST_ID = b.CUST_ID AND a.country_id = c.country_id AND a.cust_id between and ; You can find other view creation statements in dmsh.sql that will be in the web.
6 Oracle Data Miner GUI It’s a Java application. Connects through JDBC to the ORACLE database. Installed in SENG Windows lab. Can also be freely downloaded from Oracle.
7 Connecting
8 An electronics store chain wants to distribute a discount card to its customers, but only to those customers who are expected to increase their buying (and thus the company’s revenue) because of this card. A test campaign was run on a sample of customers and the results were compiled into a table containing the customer demographics, purchasing patterns, and a measure of revenue produced by each customer. The Problem
9 Structure
10 A fragment of data
11 Getting a feeling about the data
12 Build a classifier I
13 Build a classifier II
14 Build a classifier III
15 Build a classifier IV I am selecting this
16 Build a classifier V
17 Build a classifier VI
18 Build a classifier VII
19 Build a classifier VIII P(A=1|…) will be used for sorting tuples, as opposed to P(A=0|…).
20 Build a classifier IX
21 Build a classifier X