Religious Propagation or Multinational Conversion (MNC) Enterprise? By Dr T.H. CHOWDARY* * Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Chairman: Pragna Bharati (intellect India ) Former: Chairman & Managing Director Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited & Information Technology Advisor, Government of Andhra Pradesh T: +91(40) / (O) ® F: +91 (40) , Seminar at Badruka College Pragna Bharati : 10 June 2007
THC_CTMSCTMS_June072 In the beginning there were nature- related, nature- worshiping “religions” later on called pagan religions –Heathens – non-believers-kafirs Christianity and Islam in their holy books enjoin the believers to spread that religion to take the gospel and the message and convert others -unconverted will be consigned to hell.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June073 As each revealed religion claims to be the right and true religion and its God alone is supreme and as He has ordained every believer to convert others, they are bound to be in conflict and fight to the finish. Crusades for over 300 years are an example of this conflict. America’s war on terrorism is increasingly taking the shape of clash of two religions.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June074 Sanatan Dharma is natural “religion” – more dharma than religion in the sense of the semetic religions (one and only god, only one name; only one holy book; one theology; a pope and a Syndicate of Mullahs, Maulvis, Maulanas and the Caliph
THC_CTMSCTMS_June075 Islam gained converts only in the wake of its conquests and imperial rule (exception: Indonesia, Malaysia). Christianity also spread in alliance with first, the Roman Emperor and then with the emperors of Europe in their conquests and colonization of the Americas and Australia.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June076 Sanatan Dharma does not believe in conversions In India the large scale conversion menace is no longer from Islam (destruction temples, forcible conversions, enslavement, zezia etc., show it in poor light)
THC_CTMSCTMS_June077 Now the conversion is Christian enterprises. Despite imperial Britains direct (before 1857) and indirect ( after 1857) patronage Christianity cut no ice in the country as in every theological dialogue and debate it fared inferior to sanatan dharma. Its attempt to convert Brahmins first miserably failed. It then turned to market Christianity among the illiterate indigent, isolated and uninformed – Harijans and Adivasis
THC_CTMSCTMS_June078 Gandhiji’s conversations and dialogues and discussions with scores of missionaries bring out the true intention of all the Christian works of charity (schools, hospitals, leprosariams, sanitoriams and of late, NGO actions) for a variety of causes) as subterfuges to get converts.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June079 Lakhs of young men & women passed through Christian “convent” schools and colleges. Since these are educated sections; hardly a few converted to Christianity though they benefited from its schools.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0710 It is among the poor who had to go to Christian hospitals and charities that much conversion has taken place. Ignorance plus free treatment and some enticements have been and are doing the trick of conversion.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0711 Today evangelization and conversion are a multi-national globalized effort funded from the US and Canada and Europe and such affluent countries where though people going to church are declining, are yet contributing to church organisations and missions in the misplaced belief that they are doing charitable work in poor countries like India.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0712 Evangelization and conversion to Christianity is a multinational conversion (MNC) enterprise marketed like any global multinational commercial companies’ wares (Coco Cola, Pepsicola, Uncle Chips….)
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0713 Tens of thousands are making a living out of this conversion marketing activity. They are full time propagandists advertisers and marketers in the print media in the electronic media and through rallies where miracle cures are cinematically staged. There is not a bit of spirituality. It is just getting a market share as unabashedly asserted by a high functionary of a in association of churches in a d TV debate..
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0714 countryForeign missionary agencies No.of service agencies Missionary institutions Total of conversio n agencies majorMinor India ,50035, Thailand , Tanjania , South Africa USA ,00025, Pakistan , Bangladesh World18,91914,729104,948375,69021,033 Magnitude of the MNC Enterprises
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0715 In India there is total fraud.AP exemplifies this fraud. The Christian population according to the senses has been going down Christian Population in Andhra Pradesh Year Total population mln Christians mln % of Christian population
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0716 Christian population declines but churches go up! For eg: in my village Angaluru, Krishna district population: 5000 until 1960s there wer only 2 Hindu temples. Between 1995 and 2000 five churches came up; between the year 2000 & 2007 four more that is, a total of 9 churches as against 2 Hindu temples. Where is the money coming from. Estimate Rs cr into India and for Andhra Pradesh 500 cr. per year.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0717 Christian population declines! Harijans converted to Christianity are advised not to disclose the fact of conversion. That is the reason for the census proportion is going down.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0718 This is to avail of reservations. 85% of the so called SC employees in Andhra Pradesh government are “practising” Christianity but not on record. The converted Harijans are morphed into dalit militants who are now terrorizing caste Hindus by threatening to invoke the Suppression of Atrocities Against Harijans Act.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0719 Revenue and Endowment Board of Andhra Pradesh Existing No. of Temples, Mosques and Churches in as on 31st March (1) District-wise District TemplesChurchesMosques Adilabad12,3463,34718,482 Ananthpur14,0084,8929,328 Chittor26,1209,09812,320 Cuddpah22,9827,24114,223 East Godavari8,22012,1239,230 Guntur9,30216,3885,429 Hyderabad (Rangareddy) 13,1443,20415,203 Kakinada7,2038,5855,274 Karimnagar4,1291,6489,714 Khammam5,2107,2035,922 Krishna8,9298,4623,769 Kurnool6,5495,2039,293
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0720 DistrictTemplesChurchesMosques Machlipatnam5,000 (Aprx)8,3206,493 Mahboobnagar3,2993,1287,235 Medak6,3023,2033,234 Nellore7,9936,7827,323 Nalgonda6,8822,4125,239 Nizamabad4,6383,2039,366 Prakasham4,2555,5834,932 Srikakulam7,3399,8792,140 Warangal1,3936,3201,342 West Godavari3,2935,4642,765 Vishakapatnam6,4303,2034,203 Vizianagaram3,8913,1003,500 TOTAL 198,857147,991175,959 Revenue and Endowment Board of Andhra Pradesh Existing No. of Temples, Mosques and Churches in as on 31st March 2005 – District-wise. (2)
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0721 HindusChristiansMuslims % of pop % of places of worship Population & Places of Worship
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0722 Strife is increasing in families and villages because of this conversion which is not total but partial. According to the Apostle Luke Jesus Christ said, 51 “Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division. 52 “For from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two New testament of Bible: 53: “Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother. -Ch 12: Gospel According to Luke
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0723 It appears that the Gospel’s words are being fulfilled. Change of religion/party out of knowledge, reason, spiritual experience, by individuals is alright. But conversions effected by commercial MNC enterprise is fraud, subversion aggression.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0724 Gandhiji said and Dr. Ambedkar later agreed that if one became a Christian, he soon ceases to be an Indian. It is the conversion of many that has led to the division of this country. It is this conversion which is at the root of the secessionist movements in the north-east of India.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0725 The MNC enterprises are promoting caste- conflicts. NGOs are the sappers and miners for the MNC enterprises. The poor and the illiterate are lured with loans, gifts, promises of no untouchability, no castes and prospects of foreign employment.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0726 But conversions effected by commercial full-time MNC enterprises (which Missionaries indeed are) is assertion of market power of the strong over weak, non-aggressive, people and communities It is religious imperialism, gaining markets, through use of media, money and mendacity. Just as imperious, super-power penetration of indigenous markets with the consequence of the latter’s extinction is to be opposed and resisted, MNC enterprises must be banned, resisted, repulsed and banned.
THC_CTMSCTMS_June0727 Thank You: Dhanyawad