Jeopardy Middle Ages Chaucer Canterbury Tales Ballads and Romance Literary Terms Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Middle Ages This is a caste or social system where the king rules by divine right.
$100 Answer from Middle Ages What is feudalism?
$200 Question from Middle Ages The church of Rome obtained greater power when this man was martyred.
$200 Answer from Middle Ages Who is Thomas A Becket?
$300 Question from Middle Ages This disease killed 1/3 of Britain’s population during the middle ages.
$300 Answer from Middle Ages What is black death?
$400 Question from Middle Ages This was the code that knights were to following concerning the treatment of women, and conduct during battle
$400 Answer from Middle Ages What is chivalry or formalism?
$500 Question from Middle Ages The signing of the Magna Carta, the Hundred Years War, the rise of Middle English, and the growth of cities all led to this situation in England.
$500 Answer from Middle Ages What is the rise of democracy and the middle class?
$100 Question from Chaucer This is the language in which Chaucer wrote “Canterbury Tales.”
$100 Answer from Chaucer What is Middle English?
$200 Question from Chaucer He is disguised as the host in Canterbury Tales.
$200 Answer from Chaucer Who is Chaucer?
$300 Question from Chaucer These are the two types of poetic form used by Chaucer.
$300 Answer from Chaucer What is iambic pentameter and rhyming couplet?
$400 Question from Chaucer These are the two languages that Chaucer wrote in in his early years.
$400 Answer from Chaucer What is French and Latin?
$500 Question from Chaucer This is Chaucer’s job before he became a writer.
$500 Answer from Chaucer What is a personal attendant for nobility?
$100 Question from Canterbury Tales This is the purpose for the prologue.
$100 Answer from Canterbury Tales What is introduce the cast of characters?
$200 Question from Canterbury Tales This is the reason that the pilgrims are travelling together.
$200 Answer from Canterbury Tales What is to visit the shrine of Thomas a’ Becket at Canterbury?
$300 Question from Canterbury Tales This is the main reason Chaucer wrote the Canterbury Tales.
$300 Answer from Canterbury Tales What is to satirize the Catholic Church’s hypocrisy?
$400 Question from Canterbury Tales This is the character who has travelled on the most pilgrimmages.
$400 Answer from Canterbury Tales Who is the Wife of Bath?
$500 Question from Canterbury Tales This is the clergyman that Chaucer most admires.
$500 Answer from Canterbury Tales Who is the parson?
$100 Question from Ballads and Romance A refrain, tragic subject matter, and supernatural events are all elements of this type of writing.
$100 Answer from Ballads and Romance What are ballads?
$200 Question from Ballads and Romance Incremental repetition and the question-and-answer format are used to increase this in ballads.
$200 Answer from Ballads and Romance What is suspense?
$300 Question from Ballads and Romance A near perfect hero, an evil enemy, and a test of the hero are all elements of this type of writing.
$300 Answer from Ballads and Romance What is romance?
$400 Question from Ballads and Romance Romances are usually set in this time period.
$400 Answer from Ballads and Romance What is the past?
$500 Question from Ballads and Romance This is the name for love that is not returned
$500 Answer from Ballads and Romance What is unrequited love?
$100 Question from Literary Terms This is a story within a story.
$100 Answer from Literary Terms What is a frame story?
$200 Question from Literary Terms This is poetry that ends in a syntactic and rhythmic pause. Incidentally, Chaucer did not use it.
$200 Answer from Literary Terms What is end-stopped?
$300 Question from Literary Terms This is the word for the common language spoken in a country.
$300 Answer from Literary Terms What is vernacular?
$400 Question from Literary Terms This can be shown directly or through a character’s actions or words.
$400 Answer from Literary Terms What is characterization?
$500 Question from Literary Terms This consists of a line that is ten syllables long with an accent on every 2 nd syllable.
$500 Answer from Literary Terms What is iambic pantameter?
Final Jeopardy This is the subordinating conjunction in the following sentence. “I got an A on my English 12 research paper even though I waited until the last minute to finish it!”
Final Jeopardy Answer What is ‘even though’?