Chapter 6 Section 4 The Age of Napoleon Begins ( )


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 6 Section 4 The Age of Napoleon Begins (1799-1815)

Early Life Born in Corsica, Mediterranean island, family not wealthy Sent to France at 9 & trained for military Ambitious, 20 a lieutenant at start of Revolution Rose quickly in army 1793 drove British out of Toulon Victorious over Austrians but in 1798, led an expedition to Egypt which was disasters

Rise to Power 1799 became political leader Overthrew Directory Set up consulate Took title of First Counsul 1804 assumed title of Emperor of the French Each step Napoleon held plebiscite (allowing voters to ballot)

Napoleon Reforms Restore economic prosperity Controlled prices Encouraged new industry Built roads & canals Set up public schools to train officials & military officers

More Reforms Made peace with Catholic Church in Concordat of 1801 Placed Church under State control Support from all classes Let nobles return if took loyalty oath Let peasants have land they bought from Catholic Church

Napoleonic Code – New Code of Law Equality of citizens before law (except for women, lost most of rights) Religious toleration Advancement based on merit

Napoleon's Military Strategy Napoleon built an Empire in Europe Success on battlefield Rapid troop movement for more effective use of large armies New plan for each battle, kept enemies confused Grand French Empire

Napoleon's Conquests Annexed (added new areas) to France Netherlands Belgium Parts of Italy & Germany Abolished Holy Roman Empire, created & controlled Confederation of the Rhine Cut Prussian territory in half Controlled Europe through forced diplomacy – put friends & relatives on thrones

Thorn in Napoleon's Side France could not control Britain Britain used sea power (1805) Battle of Trafalgar where British admiral Horatio Nelson beat French fleet Napoleon waged economic war through Continental System Closed European ports to British goods Britain blockaded (shut off ports to keep people & supplies from moving in or out) European ports British navy kept trade routes open to America & India

Challenges Challenges that threatened Napoleon’s empire Revolutionary ideas spread across Europe Reforms Napoleonic Code Economic reforms

Resent of Napoleon European nations resented Napoleon’s power & started revolts against France Napoleon set up his brother as King of Spain Napoleon tried to undermine the Catholic Church Spanish resisted; French army treated Spanish badly Spanish patriots Used guerilla warfare (hit & run raids) Kept French army fighting in Spain; could have been used elsewhere British sent Duke of Wellington to help Spain

Russia Czar Alexander I of Russia angry over French – Austrian “alliance” Didn’t like Continental System & withdrew Russia Concerned that French Empire now bordered Russia

1812 Invasion of Russia 1812, 400,000 European soldiers invaded Russia, led by Napoleon Russians retreated eastward burning crops & villages “Scorched Earth Policy” left French troops cold & hungry French had to retreat 1000 miles, lost 300,000 men French LOST!

Napoleon’s Downfall Russia united with Britain, Austria & Prussia, defeated French at Battle of Nations at Leipzig 1814, Napoleon abdicated (stepped down from power) Exiled to Elba (Mediterranean Is.) Louis XVIII became king of France Economic depression brought Napoleon back to power for 100 days

Waterloo British forces under Duke of Wellington & Prussian forces under General Bucher defeated Napoleon at Waterloo Napoleon abdicated again & exiled to St. Helena, island in South Atlantic

Napoleon’s accomplishments France- centralized state government with constitution & greater access to education World- spread ideas of Revolution & nationalism Did away with Holy Roman Empire, lead to formation of new Germany Sold Louisiana Territory to America, doubling size of U.S.

Congress of Vienna Goals of Congress of Vienna Met for 10 months in 1814 & 1815; host – Emperor Francis I of Austria but real work done by: Prince Metternich – Austria Czar Alexander I - Russia Lord Castlereagh – Britain Prince Talleyrand – France

Goal of Congress of Vienna Chief goal – create lasting peace with balance of power & protect monarchs, contain France from further expansion Metternich wanted status quo (the way things were) in 1792 Alexander I wanted holy alliance of Christian kings to stop revolution Castlereagh wanted to keep French military down Talleyrand played other leaders against each other

Europe’s Map Redrawn To create a balance of power encircle France with strong nations, Vienna Congress redrew Europe’s map Created Kingdom of Netherlands – Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland Gave Prussia lands along Rhine River. Gave Austria control of northern Italy

Legitimacy Legitimacy - gave kings back power in Portugal, Spain & Italian states, that they had in 1792 & restored Louis XVIII to power in France Quadruple Alliance – Austria, Prussia, Russia, & Great. Britain pledged to maintain balance of power & stop revolutions RESULT - Failed to see future conflicts because of nationalism