Religion 2
By the end of this class, the students will... Recognize the general parts of the Mass: Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Part 1 Gathering Rites Part 2 Liturgy of the Word Part 3 Liturgy of the Eucharist Part 4 Dismissal
The three parts to the Liturgy of the Eucharist Preparation of Gifts Eucharistic Prayer Communion Rite
Preparation of the Gifts “Members of the parish will take up a collection from the assembly and bring it to the priest at the altar with the bread and wine to be used for the sacrifice.”
Sanctus The moment at which we praise God for his magnificence “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord…” (5:33)
Consecration The moment at which the priest calls upon the Holy Spirit “to change our gifts of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.”
The Great Amen The people’s confirmation of the entire Eucharistic prayer. (7:51) The Lord’s Prayer “We prepare to eat and drink at the Lord’s Table with those words taught us by Jesus”
Invitation to Communion “The priest shows us the Body of Christ and invites us to come to the table: ‘Lamb of God….’” Communion “As God fed our ancestors in the desert on their pilgrimage, so God gives us food for our journey.” The Host or the Body of Christ is the real presence of Christ.
“We bow our heads to receive a blessing. As the priest names the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—we make the sign of the cross.” We go in the peace (and love) of Christ.
Works Cited Richstatter, Thomas. "Catholic Update © A Walk Through the Mass by Thomas Richstatter, O.F.M." American Catholic: Franciscan Media: Catholic News Magazine Books Videos. Catholic Update. Web. 28 Aug Photo Credits /Church-leaders-offer-communion-wafers-in-the- post.html /Church-leaders-offer-communion-wafers-in-the- post.html supper-and-eucharist-whats-deal.html supper-and-eucharist-whats-deal.html