21st Century Learning and the wiki way Charlie Roy NCEA - New Orleans
Overview Challenges / Opportunities of the 21st Century School Response Wikis as one tool for enhancing student - centered instruction PND and our Tech Journey
Warnings I don’t know everything No one does 21st Century Learning perfectly
First Step Meet your neighbor Where are you from? Tell me about your school / students? What is your school doing with technology? What is your interest in technology?
21st Century Challenges and Opportunities Information Intensity Rise of Social Media - Web 2.0 Globalization and the Economy Work and demographics
Information Intensity Everything is on the web Web 2.0 technologies make everyone an author
Video Did You Know 4.0
Trends in Social Media 91% of use is to maintain relationships that already exist 96% of Generation Y are on social network sites Latest Users are over 45 Anonymity is fading Boyd and Ellison - Journal of Computer Mediated Communication
Social Media and traditional power structures United Airlines and a guitar Yesmen and Bhopal / Dow
Autor, D., Levy, F., & Murnane, R. J. (2003). The skill content of recent technological change: An empirical exploration. Quarterly Journal of Economics 188, 4. [updated, D. Autor, 2008]
Fundamental Problem
21st Century Skills Critical Thinking Creativity Problem Solving Project / Time Management Soft Skills
Discussion Question If the web and web 2.0 have transformed how we access and create information - what impact should this have on the way we teach?
21st Century Teacher Out with Sage on the Stage Guide by the Side Meddling in the Middle 2007 Erica McWilliam “Unlearning How to Teach”
Benefits of Wikis Free: wikispaces, google docs, pbwiki, wetpaint, etc. Provides the Collaborative Space Easy to Learn Easy to Manage
What is a Wiki? Video Common Knowledge
Examples of Wiki Use Asking Critical Thinking Questions Examples (see links) Pros and Cons Pro: saves transition time, public feedback, format neutral, space neutral Cons: risk, be ready for surprises, teacher knowledge
Examples of Wiki Class Scribe Build collaborative set of notes Assign as a rotation involve multiple students Pros and Cons Pros: central, absent students, linked Cons: quality, front end organization C
Examples of Wiki Student Created Text Book Example (see links) Pros / Cons Pros: enriched format, authorship, pride Cons: front end organization
Examples of Wikis Student Showcase Example: links Place for Projects to be posted Central Location saves transition time
Examples of wiki Larger Projects Examples: Links School Data Sharing / Communication
Other Concepts What else can you think of in terms of wikis / technology? Alan November - Automative vs Transformative Change
Peoria Notre Dame Plan your work - work your plan commitment to go 1:1 by Internal Leadership and Planning Communication of Plan in Fall - Focus on Professional Development
Professional Development Tours of other 1:1 schools Cut back teaching load to allow weekly PD Created new position - Director of Instructional Technologies Ongoing Plan for PD (new teachers, growth of staff) Revamp Curriculum
Leadership’s Role Be the change you want to see Stop using fear as an excuse to put off change Enable risk taking and learn from failure Support your teachers
year One Implementation 45% decrease in discipline referrals 33% drop in tardies 30% decrease in absenteeism Predicted positive enrollment growth
Ongoing Challenges Continued PD in technology area Increasing Home Comfort Level - Sharing the wisdom Communicating Mission and Reason Teacher Methods Broader Schedule Change to enable student centered approach - trimester, longer periods