Key Scenario Themes Relations with the Americas U.S.A. Standing in the World OUR RELATIONS WITH OUTSIDE WORLD OUR SUPPORT SYSTEM Mindsets Capacity to Agree Systemic Reality Of Equal Opportunity OUR RELATIONS WITH EACH OTHER Our Relation to Biosphere Hydrocarbon Economy & Transition Economic Structure & Performance Our Relations With Other States & Cities
Our Support System Our Relation to Biosphere Hydrocarbon Economy & Transformation Economic Structure & Performance 1)30 yr economic stats 2)Were we wise or lucky? 3)Current financial & economic crisis 4)Faint signals: re gov’t intervention 5)Emerging GH economy 1)Today’s energy system 2)Faint signals: peak oil; new players, Saudi, alternative energy 3)Climate change - science 4)Climate change faint signals & new dev’ts 1)State of GH environment today 2)Land use patterns 3)Economic choices & regulations 4)Faint signals: GH vulnerability to climate change, environ’tal economics & ecological mgt. What is the relationships of GH to biosphere & how is it changing? What will be the impact on GH if preserving the biosphere requires a dramatic energy transformation? What has been the structure & performance of GH economy & how might it change?
Our Relations with Each Other Mindsets Capability to agree Systemic reality of equal opportunity 1)Stats on incarceration, schools’ performance & income inequality 2)Interviews with informed people asking why these conditions endure 3)Looking for examples of success – equality, upward mobility, etc. 1)How are changing demographics & information flow changing politics & society? 2)National politics: history & future of ideological divide + impact of money 1)What creates existing mindsets that impact equality? 2)How do we understand fear in our society? 3)Where do our beliefs about the biosphere come from? What is the nature of our deeper beliefs and what supports them? What is our capability to agree in a time of transition? If this is a society where everything is possible, is it possible for everyone?
Our Relationship with Outside World Our Relations with the America Our Relations with the World 1)Stats of US standing (intellectual, financial, military & soft power) 2)Indicators of super- power decline 1)Historical pattern of GH & US/Latin American relations (business, migration, etc.) 2)Drugs trade 3)Faint signals: new trading partners for Latin Am; innovation & creativity What relationship is nature of USA & GH’s with Latin America and how might it change? What is the standing of the USA in the world & how might it change? Our Relations with other States & Cities 1)Houston vs other major cities 2)Texas vs other states 3)USA vs other countries What competition will we face for markets, talent, finance & resources?