Birthrate- number of live births per 1000 people Ex. 54/100 in Niger, 8/1000 in Latvia, 22/1000 in world Fertility rate- average number of children a woman of childbearing years would have in her lifetime if she had them at the current rate for her country 2.1 replaces population, 3.0 is average in world Death rate- aka mortality rate, number of deaths per 1000 Low rate means a healthy population Important Terms
Infant mortality : the number of deaths among infants under the age of 1 per 1000 live births high IM rate usually means poor healthcare Rate of natural increase: population growth rate Mortality rate – Birth rate = Rate of natural increase Population pyramid: device showing sex and age distribution of a population More terms
Population Pyramid The PYRAMID on the left shows rapid growth The BOX shaped one in the middle shows slow growth The CUP shaped one on the right shows negative growth
2/3 of world’s population lives between 20N and 60N Suitable climate and enough moisture for agriculture ½ world’s population lives in rural areas ½ world’s pop. lives in urban areas (cities) There are 20 megacities Megacity - city with a population of more than 10 million Population Distribution
Population density: # of people/mi 2 or # of people/km 2 Low density examples: Alaska 1 people/mi 2, Mongolia 6 people/mi 2 High density examples: New Jersey 1,098 ppl/mi 2, Singapore 16,714 ppl/mi 2 Carrying capacity: number of organisms a piece of land can support based on resources, space etc. Population Density