Rules of the Workplace How do I make a great impression?
Program Overview Let’s Start with Me! How do I make the match? What can I do now? How do I get my foot in the door? How do I sell myself? How do I make a great impression? What’s my next move? E - Explain X – EXamine L – LearnO - Opportunities R – Rules of the Workplace E -Evaluate P – Picture what you want & Plan You are here !
3 Career Decision Making Process You are here! Preparation Major, Career, or Vocation Decision Making Information & Opportunity Research Personality, interests, and skills Self Knowledge
Topics Dress for Success Work Etiquette Take Initiative 4
Dress for Success 5 Not just for the interview Know your environment Shows professionalism Your image is you Not just for the interview Know your environment Shows professionalism Your image is you
Work Environment 6
What NOT to wear in the office 1.Underwear as outerwear 2.Workout gear 3.Soiled, stained or rumpled clothing 4.Shorts 5.Tattoos 6.Extreme hair color 7.Too much cologne 8.Long or wild-colored nails 9.Grungy beards 10.Miniskirts 11.Overly revealing attire 12.Athletic socks with street shoes 13.Body piercings 14.Bare midriff 15.Low-rise pants 7 Rule of thumb! When in doubt….ASK!
8 Behavior
9 Attitude
Work Place Etiquette
Mission of the organization Basic values and norms Behavioral expectations Work ethic What gets rewarded Management philosophies Ethical standards Attitude of employees Communication style 11 A company culture is rules and norms, many of which are unspoken and informal, and will shape everything you do in an organization from how you work with people to what you wear. Culture
12 Skills Verbal Written Managing Priorities Time Management Personal Leadership Thinking Responsibility Motivation
13 Learn
Take Initiative Become a doer Know your goals Do it right away Think outside the box 14 “Initiative is doing the right things without being told”-Elbert Hubbard
What’s my take away? Today on I would say? 15