ASI contributions to R&D Support strategy (Element 3) – Status update Laura Candela, Anna Rita Pisani, Simona Zoffoli SDCG-8 Session #8 SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015
ASI – COSMO-SkyMed Acquisitions and data provision Status of satellite data acquisitions over GFOI R&D Study Sites (relevant for your mission): (a) On-going in accordance with Element-3 acquisition plan, (b) On-going as part of mission standard acquisition strategy, (c) Not started. ( c ) Not started, we have been contacted by the PI on 18th September 2015 for new acquisitions. The CSK archived data available over GFOI R&D Study Sites do not match the new PI requests (see slide n. 6-7) Status of data provision (new or archived) to GFOI research groups (a) On-going (b) Not started. (b) Not started. The CSK archived data available over GFOI R&D Study Sites do not match the new PI requests (see slide n. 6-7)
ASI – COSMO-SkyMed Acquisitions and data provision Please indicate whether your agency would be able to accept (a) modification of existing Study Sites (e.g. location, timing, etc.) (b) addition of new Study Sites (not currently listed for your mission in the Element-3 plan) by existing R&D groups (c) addition of new R&D groups and new Study Sites- [e.g. in next update of El-3 plan foreseen for SIT-31] There are no apriori reasons for not accepting the points a), b) and c) Location: has to be evaluated in the framework of the projects according with existing acquisition plans; timing: number of products provided to the projects will be evaluated by ASI on the basis of project requirements; Priority will be given to study sites identified as Priority1; The new R&D groups have to be eligible for COSMO-SkyMed data (i.e. institutional users).
ASI – COSMO-SkyMed Data provision procedures Indicate whether anything has changed (since SDCG-7) regarding your agency's procedures provide data to GFOI R&D groups (e.g. scene limitations, data sharing, data request/access procedures, etc.) Regarding the SDCG-7-25 action: The quota of COSMO-SkyMed images available on the GFOI R&D priority sites will be evaluated on the basis of requirements of the GFOI projects. For example, for the Supersites initiative the COSMO-SkyMed quota is about 200-300 images/year/Supersite, in Stripmap HIMAGE acquisition mode. In case of volcanoes Supersites the quota range may vary between 200 and 300 depending on the number of volcanoes involved. The VTT organization (Group 9), has been considered by ASI eligible for COSMO-SkyMed data. Regarding the access procedures nothing has changed : Access for research/institutional users; Submission of an R&D project to ASI for the exploitation of COSMO-SkyMed data; Accepted proposals must sign an agreement with ASI and obtain a data license; The access to the COSMO-SkyMed archive is possible through the website by subscription;
ASI – COSMO-SkyMed Research Announcements Please indicate any forthcoming research announcement(s) or funding opportunities that may be relevant to the GFOI R&D plan. The “Open Call for Science” has started on 25th February 2015, details for application available at the following link: Land Cover & Vegetation is among the primary application domains. Indicate your Agency’s interest to participate in a coordinated research announcement targeted at GFOI R&D support. ASI is interested to participate in research announcement targeted at GFOI R&D support, supporting activities involving X-band, in particular the synergy with L-band or C-band.
ASI – COSMO-SkyMed PI group 9 requests Images (1st priority) from Mexico as follows: Chiapas Center 16.45N 91.40W Spotlight 2 HH view angle 35-45 degrees. Frequency monthly until May 2016 Durango Center 23.74N 105.49W Spotlight 2 HH view angle 35-45 degrees. Frequency monthly until May 2016 Images (2nd priority) from Finland as follows: Hyytiala Center 61.85N 24.32E Spotlight 2 HH view angle 35-45 degrees. Frequency monthly until June 2016 Comment: The possibility to deliver Spotlight acquisitions has to be evaluated before processing the request. In the CEOS framework, projects are supported with CSK Stripmap HIMAGE products.
ASI – COSMO-SkyMed Archived data availability Refer to for COSMO-SkyMed Background Mission on Guyana, Cameroon, Borneo, Tasmania, Peru, Colombia, DRC and Sumatera sites; COSMO-SkyMed archived data on GFOI R&D Study Sites: No Spotlight images available on R&D Study Sites; Products mostly available as Stripmap HIMAGE and Scansar (with i.a. > 30° @near range); Stripmap Dual Polarization products available on FIN-2 (Sodankyla) priority2 R&D Study Site (with i.a. > 30° @near range); No archived products available on MEX-8 (Durango) priority1 R&D Study Site.
CNES contributions to R&D Support strategy (Element 3) – Status update Steven Hosford SDCG-8 Session #8 SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015
CNES Acquisitions and data provision Status of satellite data acquisitions over GFOI R&D Study Sites (relevant for your mission): (a) On-going in accordance with Element-3 acquisition plan, (b) On-going as part of mission standard acquisition strategy, (c) Not started. Status of data provision (new or archived) to GFOI research groups (a) On-going (b) Not started. Images acquired but no information provided from R&D users on production parametres, SO NO IMAGES PRODUCED AS YET License issues to be resolved within 1 month
CNES Acquisitions and data provision Please indicate whether your agency would be able to accept (a) modification of existing Study Sites (e.g. location, timing, etc.) (b) addition of new Study Sites (not currently listed for your mission in the Element-3 plan) by existing R&D groups (c) addition of new R&D groups and new Study Sites- [e.g. in next update of El-3 plan foreseen for SIT-31] Any/All of the above within existing assigned resources .
CNES Data provision procedures Research Announcements Indicate whether anything has changed (since SDCG-7) regarding your agency's procedures provide data to GFOI R&D groups (e.g. scene limitations, data sharing, data request/access procedures, etc.) None. Need inputs from GFOI R&D groups for image production. Research Announcements Please indicate any forthcoming research announcement(s) or funding opportunities that may be relevant to the GFOI R&D plan. Permanently open call for proposals through ISIS programme Indicate your Agency’s interest to participate in a coordinated research announcement targeted at GFOI R&D support. Participation would be possible
CNES SPOT World Heritage production continues 200,000 scenes currently being produced of which 130,000 produced to L1A and 15,000 produced to L1C (orthorectified TOA) available via
CNES SPOT World Heritage production continues Other AOIs for GFOI? Production of ~10 000 images over Kenya to L1A complete Processing at CNES to L1C (ortho TOA) to begin shortly Other AOIs for GFOI?
Yves Crevier SDCG-8 Session #8 Canadian Space Agency contributions to R&D Support strategy (Element 3) – Status update Yves Crevier SDCG-8 Session #8 SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015
Canadian Space Agency The Canadian Space Agency overarching objectives in support of the GFOI Element 3: To support our National Forest community (government, academic and private sectors) In the context of multiple constellations of C-Band SAR missions: To support science and R&D activities demonstrating unambiguously the contribution of C-Band data in an individual, interoperable and complementary basis. To enable end-users to exploit the large amount of SAR data that is now or will soon be available in support of their programs for forest management, ecosystem protection, carbon accounting, etc. To the development of documented, validated and repeatable algorithms directed to the development of products on forest attributes – this should avoid the constraints related to restricted data policy
Focused Contribution The Canadian Space Agency will focus its contribution towards the SDCG Element 3 objectives related to the use of C-Band: As an individual / repeatable source of data (individual data collection) Under a sensor interoperability framework - obtaining the same thematic results from different sensor (required coordination) Full interoperability: Same thematic results (i.e. intercalibrated sensors) Partial interoperability: Varying range of similarity (i.e. use of multiple missions) Partial interoperability generally acceptable if the differences can be quantified and corrected for Under a sensor complementarity framework -obtaining additional thematic information through the (synergistic) use of two or more different sensors (required coordination) SAR / Optical missions SAR / SAR missions – multi-frequency 16 16
RADARSAT 2 Acquisitions and data provision RADARSAT-2 provides excellent wide area high/medium resolution coverage and capacity – can support National coverage as well as supersite objectives RADARSAT-2 has remaining capacity that is sufficient for creating and maintaining a high/medium resolution archive of SAR data Analysis of exact-repeat stacks of SAR imagery allows for effective and efficient quantitative assessment of land cover and changes in forest environments
RADARSAT 2 Acquisitions and data provision CSA is willing to support the monitoring of study site as well as “demonstrating” C-Band capabilities for coherent national monitoring using dense time series in the context of Element 3 (Science only)
Preferred Modes
2 1 3 0.25 1 3 5 Resolution (m) 10 20 100 Swath width (km) 20 50 100 Current Radarsat-2 modes 0.25 Higher resolution 1. High resolution land 2 1 2. Large area land 1 SL Wider swath + higher resolution 3. Maritime UFW 3 UF MF (SLC) MFW (SLC) XF 5 Resolution (m) MF MFW FW 10 More frequent revisit (1/day) 3 20 S W SCN SCW 100 Swath width (km) 20 50 100 150 300 500
XF (repeated) archive coverage tropical belt (May 2013 till May 2015, data downlinked at Canadian Stations) Archive searches and quick look imagery (CEOCAT):
Example of exact repeat 5 m archives RADARSAT-2 Coverage of Indonesia (status November 2014)
RADARSAT 2 Data provision for R&D Moving from a SOAR-based data dissemination approach to an open sharing process as defined within a Multi-User Framework; Require a thorough a priori identification of image products and certification of data user organizations and individuals; Number of scenes and access is project dependant and is to be determined; Operating under background mission framework; As a counterpart, we are assuming open sharing of ground data, methods, and derived results; No cost to users – all processing and data costs will be covered by CSA; Data products and processing level to be agreed with PIs; Open to a coordinated AO on GFOI key science questions.
DLR contributions to R&D Support strategy (Element 3) – Status update Michael Bock/DLR SDCG-8 Session Thanks to the Support of : TerraSAR-X Science Coordinator: Achim Roth TanDEM-X Science Coordinator: Irena Hajnsek SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015
DLR – TerraSAR-X & TanDEM-X Acquisitions and data provision Status of TerraSAR-X Background mission over GFOI R&D Study Sites: (a) Prio 1sites: All 15 supersites are regularly (every 22 days) monitored since July from an ascending and a descending orbit. However for 3 sites (BOR-3, KAL-1, SUM-1) no acquisition could be performed yet due to acquisition conflicts (with TanDEM-X and other users (scientific and commercial). For the same reason just 1 acquisition is available for FCT-SUM-2. Monitoring of SA-1 and SA-2 is only possible unregularly. For all other sites at least regular observations are possible at least from one orbit. In total 75 data sets were acquired within 3 months…
DLR – TerraSAR-X & TanDEM-X Acquisitions and data provision Status of TerraSAR-X Background mission over GFOI R&D Study Sites: Prio 2 sites : All 7 Prio 2 sites are regularly monitored from August to Sept. all 11 days either in ascending or descending orbit, from Oct. reduced to 22 days 3 sites (FIN-1, FIN-2, RUS-1) only 1 acquisition could be performed yet due to acquisition conflicts (with TanDEM-X and other users (scientific and commercial). For the sites (GFC-3, PNG-3, ICE-1, FCT-AU-3) regular observations all 11 days are acquired from one orbit. In total 17 data sets were acquired within 1,5 months…
DLR – TerraSAR-X & TanDEM-X Acquisitions and data provision Please indicate whether your agency would be able to accept (a) modification of existing Study Sites (e.g. location, timing, etc.) (b) addition of new Study Sites (not currently listed for your mission in the Element-3 plan) by existing R&D groups (c) addition of new R&D groups and new Study Sites- [ All is possibly but: First detailed information on extent (polygon), preferred timing, and preference of time series vs. coverage of study sites and preference of mission TSX or TDX is needed. The current info is not sufficient Second Requirements has to be balanced with quota foreseen for GFOI R&D, which my be raised but this needs to be reasoned Third Feedback of R&D groups is needed
DLR – TerraSAR-X & TanDEM-X Status of data provision to GFOI research groups: GFOI research groups informed about: TDX Experimental Science AO provided data free of charge (some Extra slides follow) TSX Archive AO provides free of charge all data that are older than 18 months (no specific information to GFOI R&D Groups) DLR only got feedback from one R&D group SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015
DLR – TerraSAR-X & TanDEM-X Data provision procedures Indicate whether anything has changed (since SDCG-7) regarding your agency's procedures provide data to GFOI R&D groups (e.g. scene limitations, data sharing, data request/access procedures, etc.) No changes Data access for GFOI groups through AO-Process Several Specific AO’s provide data free of charge (General TDX/TSX AO always provides data for COFUR costs)
DLR – TerraSAR-X & TanDEM-X Research Announcements Indicate your Agency’s interest to participate in a coordinated research announcement targeted at GFOI R&D support. DLR is ready to launch a dedicated GFOI AO together with other Space agencies to provide the GFOI R&D groups remote sensing data free of charge within one coordinated AO framework Up to now, acquired background mission data for the R&D sites can only be assessed by the general AO for COFUR prices Upcoming Research Announcements TanDEM-X Global DEM AO
TanDEM-X: Activities supporting Forest Science GFOI • Sep 2015 TanDEM-X: Activities supporting Forest Science Irena Hajnsek1/2 and Thomas Busche1 1 Microwaves and Radar Institute, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen 2 Institute of Environmental Engineering, ETH Zurich
TanDEM-X: Science Phase Time Line Months 2014/15 1 Oct 2 Nov 3 Dec 4 Jan 5 Feb 6 Mar 7 Apr 8 May 9 Jun 10 Jul 11 Aug 12 Sep 13 14 15 Operation Mode Pursuit Monostatic Bistatic Polarimetr y Single/ Dual Pol Single/Dual/Qua d Polarimetry CP Single/Dual/Quad Polarimetry Phase Center (PC) 2 PC 2/4 PC Baseline (values for all latitudes) 0-750 m (perp. baseline) (slow drift over 5 months) 3-4 km at Equ ator 3-4 km (horizontal baseline at Equator) smaller at higher latitudes (stable baselines over the whole period) Fast drift back to 300 m 0-250 m (stable short perp. baselines) Along-track baselines 76 km 0-500 m (both hemispheres) 300-850 m (ascending) ~ 0-300 m (descending) Applications requiring variable baselines within a short time Applications requiring stable very large XTI baselines Applications requiring normal XTI baselines Slide 32
Vegetation Experiments Application InSAR Mode Imaging Mode DRA Baseline Coverage Time Comments Forest height Bistatic SM SL single/dual/ quad set of short across-track baselines (100-300 m) Northern/Southern hemisphere boreal forest Amazon basin All year around Leaf on/off Need access to global DEM data Forest structure Bistatic or PM set of short across-track baselines (100-300 m) for Tomography Forest mapping Bistatic and AB dual Large to very large baselines (100-1000 m) Amazon Basin 2 times acquisiti on: wet/dry season AB with 20 m HoA Crop height dual/quad Very large to huge baselines (1-4 km) selected sites (Northern/Southern hemisphere) Europe/Asia/USA/Austra lia 3-4 months growth period Noise need to be reduced in HV (e.g. reduction of bandwidth) Slide 33
Forest Site Acquisition (RED)
TanDEM-X Forest Examples
TanDEM-X Forest Examples 36
TanDEM-X: Kryckland Test Site, Sweden Kugler, F. et al. TanDEM-X Pol-InSAR Performance for Forest Height Estimation , IEEE TGRS,Vol.: 52, 10 : 2014 , Page(s): 6404 - 6422 Test Site 30m 30m Forest Height Map (Air-Lidar) Forest Height Map (TanDEM-X)* 0m 0m * Derived from the inversion of the TanDEM-X VV coherence by using the Lidar derived ground topography as input.
TanDEM-X: Kryckland Test Site, Sweden TanDEM-X Heights [m] r²=0.82 RMSE = 2.55m Test Site Lidar H100 [m] 30m 30m Forest Height Map (Air-Lidar) Forest Height Map (TanDEM-X)* 0m 0m * Derived from the inversion of the TanDEM-X VV coherence by using the Lidar derived ground topography as input.
TanDEM-X Height Accuracy
Next Announcements of Opportunities TanDEM-X DEMs O Dedicated to the TanDEM-X DEMs for 12m, 30m and 90m Announcement of Opportunity (AO) open from End September 2015 All data can be ordered via this AO free of charge Fully compatible to SRTM format specifications! Free DEMO TanDEM-X DEMs available for download The TanDEM-X mission continues bistatic acquisitions in 2016 This will allow 3D-Monitoring of forest heights & structure Higher Resolution Forest DSM are possible TanDEM-X GFOI AO and super sites still to be defined for 2016+, but TerraSAR and TanDEM-X R&D requirements need to be coordinated ! Flinders Ranges Flinders Ranges
JAXA contributions to R&D Support strategy (Element 3) – Status update Nobuyoshi Fujimoto/JAXA SDCG-8 Session #8 SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015
Agency name and mission Acquisitions and data provision Status of satellite data acquisitions over GFOI R&D Study Sites (relevant for your mission): (a) On-going in accordance with Element-3 acquisition plan, (b) On-going as part of mission standard acquisition strategy (c) Not started. Status of data provision (new or archived) to GFOI research groups (a) On-going (b) Not started.
Agency name and mission Acquisitions and data provision Please indicate whether your agency would be able to accept (a) modification of existing Study Sites (e.g. location, timing, etc.) Possibly, but to be evaluated on a case to case basis if required (b) addition of new Study Sites (not currently listed for your mission in the Element-3 plan) by existing R&D groups No, consistence with Element 3 strategy desired (c) addition of new R&D groups and new Study Sites- [e.g. in next update of El-3 plan foreseen for SIT-31] Depending of the outcome of current internal Element 3 coordination efforts within JAXA
Agency name and mission Data provision procedures Indicate whether anything has changed (since SDCG-7) regarding your agency's procedures provide data to GFOI R&D groups (e.g. scene limitations, data sharing, data request/access procedures, etc.) Distribution at cost of reproduction (currently JPY 9000/scene) approved. For free of charge provision, further internal coordination required before decision can be made. GFOI research groups which have requested ALOS and ALOS-2 data have been encouraged to apply via JAXA’s 6th Research Announcement (RA6) for ALOS-2 (closing 25 Sept 2015). Successful proposals will have access to 50 ALOS-2 scenes (and 50 ALOS scenes, if requested) per year. RA6 programme duration until March 2019.
Agency name and mission Research Announcements Please indicate any forthcoming research announcement(s) or funding opportunities that may be relevant to the GFOI R&D plan. No further RA planned at the moment. Indicate your Agency’s interest to participate in a coordinated research announcement targeted at GFOI R&D support. Dedicated RA not likely to happen.
INPE contributions to R&D Support strategy (Element 3) – Status update Julio Dalge/INPE SDCG-8 Session #8 SDCG-8 DLR, Bonn, Germany September 23rd-25th 2015
INPE – CBERS-4 Acquisitions and data provision 1. There is no change in the data policy and CBERS-4 will be freely available from INPE's catalog as soon as the commissioning phase ends. 2. The commissioning phase will continue until December, 2015, due to legal aspects in the bidding to hire a company to provide support with software maintenance. 3. Raw data of all CBERS-4 cameras have been regularly recorded over China and Brazil since the satellite launch last December. All data will be processed and made available at the end of commissioning phase. 4. Systematic regular coverage of China and Brazil is the priority for image acquisitions.
INPE – CBERS-4 Acquisitions and data provision 5. Data acquisitions in Brazil cover the whole Cuiaba antenna footprint/ ground station mask. 6.Although CBERS-4 has not been designed to provide global coverage of the Earth, its solid state on-board data recorder can be used, on a best effort basis, to cover any particular area of interest. 6. INPE remains interested in contributing to GFOI with CBERS-4 data provision.