By: Eduardo Cerdeiras Theology Teacher High School
As I was observing my old high school teacher. I realized that he was a very welcoming teacher. He sat at his desk and greeted the students as he took attendance. He started his class with a prayer. It was a quiz day so he was giving the quiz he had a quick review before the quiz to avoid any confusion. Then after the quiz he went over the answers and began the next section until the bell rang. I spoke to him after class about my teaching strategies and they were very similar so he agreed with my strategies and gave me a lot of helpful advice about classroom management such as setting limits for the class if a conversation gets out of hand but at the same time it is important to have a class conversation because it gets them involved. So the whole experience was a great one and I learned a lot from this observation.
Show up to class on time Sit in assigned seat Refer to me as Mr. or Sir Must do assignment when it is assignment time Lastly be respectful to both me and your peers
When a rule is broken I will become extremely serious so they know I am not kidding. First I will give 1 warning If the rule is broken a second time then the whole class has to read an extra page for homework If they break the rules more then twice then they keep adding pages to their homework.
If the students follow the rules the whole class and are respectful, then they will be rewarded by the last 15 minutes of class to play an educational game Another reward I would give is a party or movie day the next class (as long as I know it will not effect my schedule for the class) I will have a student of the week award for whoever behaves the best that week and they will receive a candy as a reward
When a student enters class they must sit in their assigned seat and be ready to work. They must also put non-classroom material under their desk. I will have an assignment on the board. Which will be a reflection of a Bible verse or quotes or reading assignment. This must be a paragraph or more. As they are doing this I will take attendance, and prepare what it is I will teach that day.
Start with a prayer Have a short quiz about the reading assignment Give a minute presentation on of the information I would like them to learn ( Questions can be asked while I am presenting, but must be one at a time) Then give them a group assignment as a review of what I went over ( turn in within minutes). This should be the only time the class movies unless I tell them too. Students may go to the restroom or water fountain one at a time when they please as long as they ask me first.
Out loud opinion or review of what they learned Assign a reading assignment for them to do at home. Brief preview of what will be covered next class Exit class once the bell rings. Must stay seated until the bell rings
Allowed Can ask me questions at anytime as long as it is relatable to the subject Can talk during group assignment all they want as long as they are talking about the assignment Can talk when there is feedback time at the end of class Can talk when I give an educational game at the end of class (reward). Not Allowed Cannot talk while an assignment is going on or a text. Cannot not talk while I am giving a presentation. Unless they have their hand raised for a question Cannot change seats to sit next to their friends Cannot be using their phones or any electronics that has nothing to do with the class.
Clap or Snap my figures to show that I want their attention If they do not respond to that I will raise my voice Remind them of the consequences Talk about something that may catch their attention (related to the subject manner)
If a visitor come I would welcome them by saying “welcome! How may I help you?” If I know that it will take a while I will ask the students to start ready their homework assignment. Once the visitor leaves I will start right where I left off. If a student interrupts me during my presentation I will ask them to please give me their attention and remind the student of the consequences.
I will call on a student if I see they are not paying attention just to get their attention I will call on students to answer a question
The only homework I will give is ready assignments because I feel all the busy work should be in class. The reading assignment will not be long at the most 10 pages. I would like to have a short quiz at the beginning of every class to make sure they are reading If a student needs to makeup a test or quiz they have 3 days to make it up
In order to get my students involved I have to get involved. I have to make and effort to make learning as fun and positive as possible. I believe if I learn the students culture I can adjust my class to teach them in a way that they will understand so that they may find learning easy and fun. I also would like to get my self involved in the students campus life, such as attending school events. By doing this it shows that I care and I want to get to know them and make a difference in their lives. By getting my self involved I believe it will help the students feel comfortable in my class and therefore get them involved.
If a student is a slow learner I will be sure to offer myself for after school ours to try and help them catch up. If student is not “fitting in” I will be sure have the student work with one of my best and nicest students so that the student can begin to feel comfortable. If the student however, seems to be depressed I will send them to the counselor to receive advice or offer my self to help the student in anyway possible. I would like to adjust seating arrangements to students who new to the country to a student with a similar background or a student who is very welcoming. Lastly, as I teach a lesson I will be sure to go slow enough for all my students to understand and I will give examples that can relate to the students culture.