KIM CHOLO D. TORRES Office for Social Concern and Involvement Some slides taken from the presentation “The Ateneo Loyola Schools Formation Programs” (with revisions), 2009.
The Ateneo Loyola Schools is a Filipino, Catholic, and Jesuit center of excellence of higher learning that is globally competitive while Asian in perspective; a community that transforms society through its research and creative work, its leadership in service to others and the environment, and its formation of persons-for-others. The LS Vision
Life-long Learner The Ateneo graduate Academically competent Imbued with the scientific spirit Professionally trained Discovers new knowledge
Nurturing Person The Ateneo graduate Spiritually mature Has a personal relationship with God Is guided by discernment
Heroic Leader The Ateneo graduate Proactive leader in the global context Culturally rooted Strongly oriented to faith and justice Serves others
Life-long Learner Nurturing Person Heroic Leader The Ateneo graduate
PersonalSpiritualSocial/ Cultural 1 st Year Self- awarenessPrayerExposure – culture (InTACT) 2 nd Year Self-explorationRecollectionCommunity service (NSTP+) 3 rd Year Self-enrichment Recollection/ Retreat Community engagement (JEeP) 4 th Year Self-offeringRetreatIntegration (SIP) LS OGCLS OCMLS OSCI
NSTP (RA 9163) 0 RA 9163 or the National Service Training Program Act of Signed into law by PGMA on Jan. 23, 2002 and was implemented since school year Aims to enhance civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its three (3) program components
NSTP COMPONENTS 1. Civic Welfare Training Service 2. Literacy Training Service 3. Military Training Service
The Ateneo Way: NSTP PLUS Integrated Non-Academic Formation Program: the bigger picture Personal, Socio-Cultural, Spiritual and Leadership development An integrated and developmental student social formation effort among various Loyola Schools offices: OSCI, OCM, OGC and ADSA
NSTP PLUS Objectives Specifically, students are expected to: 0 Effectively apply their knowledge and skills, and manage themselves in relation to others. 0 Experience as a God of love and mercy. 0 Develop social and service orientation by nurturing a community of fellow Ateneans and fostering continuous and sustained interaction or support with groups or organizations that engage in the development of marginalized communities. 0 Be exposed to leadership styles that inspire, move and empower.
NSTP+ Management of Gifts Getting out of comfort zones Companionship with others who serve
Activities 0 Classroom Orientation 0 Skills Training 1: Community Integration Workshop 0 Skills Training 2: Component-based Workshop 0 MBTI Type Indicator Test Interpretation 0 Community Entry Orientation 0 Community Insertions 0 Processing Sessions
Activities 0 Classroom Discourse on Human Dignity and Human Rights 0 Workshop on Responsible Citizenship 0 Advocacy Fora 0 Prayer Session 0 Recollection 0 Synthesis/Integration Session
Theme this SY 0 Simplicity of Lifestyle 0 Yapak – “kababaang-loob”
KIM CHOLO D. TORRES Office for Social Concern and Involvement