Aging Gracefully
“As for old age, embrace and love it. It abounds with pleasure if you know how to use it. The gradually declining years are among the sweetest in a person’s life.” Seneca
A revolution is brewing and it’s almost upon us. Some 70 million Americans will be over 65 by more than twice as many as in Aging baby boomers will trigger major changes throughout our society.
We are living longer and better. Many older people embrace life with surprising gusto. Old age brings an array of challenges. The later years frequently abound with blessings.
Demographic Overview
MALE FEMALE U.S. AGE STRUCTURE From U.S. Census Bureau publication: “Data Base News in Aging” 1999
Darker areas = higher percent of age 65+ Based on Data from the U.S. Bureau of the Census See:
Darker areas = higher percentage increase in age 65+ Based on Data from the U. S. Bureau of the Census See:
Based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Census – Note: Increments in years are uneven.
Source: U.S. Bureau of Census – cited in the publication “Aging in the United States – Past Present, and Future.”
Based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Census. See: “The Older Population in the United States: March 1999,” Current Population Reports, P20-532
Based on data from U.S. Bureau of the Census. See: “Household and Family Characteristics: March 1998,” Current Population Reports, P
Based on data from U.S. Bureau of the Census. See: “Household and Family Characteristics: March 1998,” Current Population Reports, P
KENTUCKY’S POPULATION How Many Kentuckians, 1999 Edition
There Will Likely Be a Higher Percentage of Older People in Kentucky Than in Our Nation As a Whole
Source: Dychtwald, Ken. (1999). Age Power: How the 21 st Century Will Be Ruled by the New Old
Source: CIA World Fact Book, July 1, 2001
THE CHANGING LANDSCAPE OF AGING Our health care system is seriously ill. We need a new definition of old age. Traditional caregivers are unavailable, and the demand for eldercare is increasing. It’s time to re-invent long-term care.
7 Keys to Later Life Well-Being
Your Heart’s Desire Healthy Relation- ships Good Nutrition Physical & Mental Fitness Material Well- Being Positive Attitude Spiritual Vitality
Physical & Mental Fitness Never too late to start ( Tuft’s University research ). Far-reaching benefits of exercise. Many types of exercise---choose ones you enjoy. Check-ups, immunizations, dental care. Exercise your mind to stay intellectually sharp. Plenty of sleep nurtures your body and mind.
Good Nutrition Every time you eat you can help yourself age well. Enjoy eating a variety of wholesome foods. Follow the Food Guide Pyramid. To avoid the later life risk of dehydration, drink plenty of fluids. Reasons many older people do not eat well. Encourage older loved ones to eat nutritiously.
Your Heart’s Desire Staying enthused and involved is basic to positive aging. What is it you would like to do at this time in your life? What is your heart’s desire? Don’t talk yourself out of something you really want to do. If your vision is not clear, take some small exploratory steps. Regularly do what you can to bring your dream to life.
Wise retirement planning is essential. “Retiring” from retirement. Volunteer options. Plan for your potential long-term care needs. Do your home and belongings support your later life needs? In the second half of life, many choose to live simply. Material Well-Being
True friends are definitely good medicine. With supportive relationships, we stay healthier, live longer, and enjoy life more. Caring for pets and plants nourishes our well- being, too. Helping others is good for us and builds strong communities. Never underestimate your influence. To age well, we need to give and receive love. Healthy Relationships
“If you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” Your experience of aging is shaped by your beliefs. Changes and losses of aging challenge us. Staying positive takes practice. Draw upon a lifetime of successes and experiences. It’s never too late to make a fresh start. Positive Attitude
Various expressions of spirituality. Faith, prayer, and spiritual community help immensely in dealing with challenges of aging. Those who are spiritually active stay healthier, use fewer health care dollars, and manage stress better. Some see aging as advanced training for soul. Spirituality can help us transcend even the decline and death of the physical body. Spiritual Vitality
PERSONAL ACTION PLAN As a small personal commitment to positive aging, within the next week I will:
“The best classroom is at the feet of an elderly person.” Andy Rooney television commentator
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