KIDS HOPE USA is a National Program. More than 500 Church/School Partnerships in 29 States
KIDS HOPE USA began as a research project in Interviews with educators taught us two key lessons: Brain research proves that children are “hardwired to connect” (Commission on At-Risk Children, 2003). Their ability to learn is seriously impaired if they do not have a relationship with a caring adult in their family or community. Faithful mentoring can change lives; unfaithful mentoring can damage lives.
KIDS HOPE USA asked principals what they would require from a church-school mentoring partnership. BUILDING CHURCH/SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS Respect for Church/State Separation Faithful Volunteers Screened Volunteers Trained Volunteers Church Supervision of Volunteers Parental Consent No Cost to Schools Impact on Emotional, Social and Academic Needs Evaluation
What is KIDS HOPE USA? KIDS HOPE USA gives schools a proven intervention to increase the academic skills of at-risk public elementary school children – and at no cost to the school. Over 50 percent of all requests for KIDS HOPE USA programs come from public school personnel.
The Four Distinctives of the KIDS HOPE USA Model: Owned By One Church: The church selects a director to oversee all aspects of the program, including the screening, training, and supervision of the volunteer mentors. 1.
Step One: Each potential mentor reviews the mentor job description and submits a written application. Step Two: A criminal-history check by the State Police is conducted for each potential mentor. Step Three: Each potential mentor is interviewed by the director and must be approved by the pastor. Step Four: The mentors are trained by the KHUSA director and school personnel. Step Five: KHUSA director and school personnel match children and mentors. Step Six: Mentors and children meet in areas that are monitored by adults. Step Seven: Mentors are supervised by the KIDS HOPE USA director. Step Eight: As part of an ongoing evaluation process, the mentor completes a Daily Progress Report with one copy going to the director and one to the student’s teacher. KIDS HOPE USA – Screening KIDS HOPE USA requires all participating churches to follow these procedures:
KIDS HOPE USA Daily Progress Report Mentor's Name: _____________________________ Student's Name: ___________________________ Teacher's Name: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________________ What did you do? (Fill in only what you did, using these categories as a guide.) Reading: _____________________________________________________________________________ Spelling: ______________________________________________________________________________ Game/art: _____________________________________________________________________________ Math: ________________________________________________________________________________ Other Work: ___________________________________________________________________________ How did your student respond? Scale of 1 (unacceptable) to 5 (outstanding) Attitude: Motivated: Cooperative: On-task: Completion: Attentive: Any concerns: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ What is your response to this session? Scale of 1 (discouraged) to 5 (encouraged) ____________________________________ Did anything memorable happen today? (Quote, joy, humor?) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ I would like the teacher/KIDS HOPE USA director to be aware of the following: (Circle teacher, KIDS HOPE USA director, or both as needed)__________________________________________________________________ Should you need to talk with me, I may be reached at: Phone (Best times to call)________
Prison officials in at least two states use the reading scores of third graders to help determine the number of prison cells that will be needed in the future. The Four Distinctives of the KIDS HOPE USA Model: Focuses on the Youngest Children: The school selects the children to be matched with KIDS HOPE USA mentors and secures parental permission. 2.
CONFIDENTIAL For KIDS HOPE USA Staff and Teacher ONLY KIDS HOPE USA Student Referral Form Student's Name _____________________ Age________________ Grade ___________________School ___________________________________________________ Teacher ____________________________________________ Date _________________________ Student is available (times): ___________________________________________________________ To help us better understand how to meet the mentoring needs of your student, please complete the following: 1.What do you notice as positive characteristics of this child? 2.Why do you wish to enroll this student in the KIDS HOPE USA mentoring program? 3.How do you feel a volunteer mentor could help this student develop academic skills? 4.Please define a specific objective for the mentor and materials to develop this student's academic skills. 2.Please comment on any other information that might be helpful in working with this student (special interests, hobbies, family situations). Use other side of sheet if necessary. This information is kept confidential.
KIDS HOPE USA Parent Consent Form I give permission for my child, ___________________________________, to participate in the KIDS HOPE USA program and to be assigned a mentor while attending _________________________School. Please print parent/guardian name___________________________________________ Address ________________________________Phone ________________________ Signature_______________________________ Date________________________ KIDS HOPE USA Parent Consent Form (NOTE: The school should reproduce this form on school letterhead) Dear Parents/Guardian: ___________________________Elementary School has developed a partnership with ________________ Church through KIDS HOPE USA—a program that trains caring teens and adults on how to befriend children and help them learn. Your child’s teacher has suggested that______________________________ could benefit from having a KIDS HOPE USA mentor. A KIDS HOPE USA mentor is someone who is trained to: meet with your child for one hour each week for at least one year. work with your child in practicing certain academic skills, including reading. be a positive role model and friend who could give your child a positive experience. Please note that the KIDS HOPE USA program complies with the separation of church and state. No religious activity of any kind will take place on school property during school hours. Your child may receive from the church a t-shirt with the KIDS HOPE USA logo to wear as a reminder that there is a volunteer willing to support and help him/her succeed in school. We would like permission for your child to participate in the KIDS HOPE USA program and be assigned a mentor. Please sign and return the bottom of this page tomorrow, as we would like to start the program as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school. Thank you for helping us provide the best education possible for your child. Sincerely, (Principal or Teacher)
The Four Distinctives of the KIDS HOPE USA Model: Forms Exclusive One-To-One Relationships: Mentors must commit to a minimum of one full school year, promising to meet with one child, one hour every week. They are trained to build a caring relationship with the child, focusing on emotional, social, and academic needs as teachers advise. 3.
The Four Distinctives of the KIDS HOPE USA Model: Respects Church-State Separation: Directors and mentors respect the separation of church and state. In 15 years, there have been no reported violations. 4.
KIDS HOPE USA Makes a Difference Builds Stronger Children oFrost Research Center (2008): “According to their teachers, 99.3 percent of the KIDS HOPE USA children benefited from their relationship with a mentor.” Children improve in academic performance, behavior, and motivation to learn. oSearch Institute: Zeeland (MI) Public Schools found that KIDS HOPE USA helped children develop 20 of the 40 developmental assets required by healthy elementary-age children.
Evaluation of the KIDS HOPE USA Mentoring Program* Summary Statement June 2008 According to their teachers, 99.3 percent of the KIDS HOPE USA children benefited from their relationship with a mentor. Their assessment of student performance showed a statistically significant increase from the beginning of the school year to the end of year on both content achievement (reading level, mathematics achievement, writing achievement) and general achievement (self-regulation, general academic skills, motivation for schoolwork). While KIDS HOPE USA works diligently to improve classroom-related skills and behaviors, teachers’ written comments made it clear that the program provides benefits to students that go beyond the classroom. Teachers raved about the quality of the mentors and benefits of students having such positive and patient role models, especially male role-models. The teachers also stressed the importance of the mentors as confidants and the one-on-one attention that students receive. Many teachers reported that students “adore” their mentors, and look forward to the time with their mentor as the “highlight of the week.” *Conducted by the Carl Frost Center for Social Science Research, Hope College, Holland, MI;
KIDS HOPE USA Makes a Difference Builds Stronger Programs oSustainability: KIDS HOPE USA programs have a 90 percent retention rate over a eleven-year period. oVolunteer Satisfaction: In a recent survey, 99 percent of the KIDS HOPE USA volunteers reported that the mentoring experience met or exceeded their expectations. Our motto: Here today; here tomorrow.
KIDS HOPE USA requires a significant commitment from participating churches: We will strictly adhere to the separation of church and state. We will appoint a director who will be trained by the KIDS HOPE USA national office. We will recruit at least ten mentors and two substitutes before the program begins. These mentors will undergo a criminal-history check and be trained. We will identify a behind-the-scenes prayer partner for each adult-child relationship. We will assume financial responsibility for the program. We will restrict our outreach to one school. We will evaluate our program annually and submit an Annual Renewal Report to the KIDS HOPE USA national office.