Worship in the Multi-age Classroom Music Choices Use of Movement Worship Time: Entering into His Presence
Presenting the Lesson in the Multi- age Classroom Age-appropriate with Multi-ages Attention Span Bore-Free Presentation Object Lessons, Drama and Gospel Illusions Prayer and Altar Responses Learning Stations and Rotational Models
Presenting the Lesson in the Multi- age Classroom Logic Smart Kids enjoy thinking through deep issues and analyzing truths. Word Smart Kids love to read, create stories, and write! Body Smart Kids want to play games and do dramas...anything that gets them up and moving. Music Smart Kids learn more when they sing or listen to music. Picture Smart Kids want a visually appealing environment and are budding artists. Self Smart Kids enjoy reflection and thought to apply God’s Word to their lives. People Smart Kids are the life of the party because they learn best when they’re interacting with others.
Discipleship Training in the Multi-age Classroom Discipleship Goals for Each Age Monitoring Development
Discipline in the Multi-age Classroom Expectations Environment Modeling & Children’s Roles Handling Discipline
Beyond the Multi-age Classroom Personal Contact Special Events Outreach