Respect in the Christian Ed Class Respect for the teacher Respect for the church property Respect for each other Tools to form bonds of respect prayer, modeling respect, setting clear limits, and understanding diversity.
Praying Together It teaches them how to pray It helps them lay down their burdens As they share joys and concerns, they learn about each other. Bonds are made and with that comes empathy and a desire to encourage and respect one another.
Modeling Respect Your example makes a difference. Greet each student If you team-teach, support one another; encourage the class to respect the other teacher as well. Use words you’d like the children to model (please, thank you and your welcome) Don’t show favoritism in the classroom Teach children to communicate their feelings with the format, “I feel…when you…because…”
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. R - Recongize and welcome each child E - Encourage them to help S - Show (model) politeness P - Pray for and with your class E - Empathize with the children even when correcting inappropriate behavior C - Compliment and encourage positive behavior T - Trust in God’s ability to change hearts and lives
Understanding Diversity We all learn and express ourselves through diverse ways, but primarily in 3 modes visual (seeing, reading) Visual learners need props and object lessons or video clips and skits. auditory (talking, listening) If you have chatterboxes they need more discussion time kinesthetic (physical movement, feeling, and touch) Wiggleworms need active learning games.
Your respect and confidence in their ability to learn will help them understand the Savior who loves and respects us all.
Respect is a fruit of love. It is an expression of love, and grows out of a bond of love.