Data Validation (DV) What is DV? Who conducts DV Why conduct DV? How is DV done? When is DV? Common Fails Suggestions Expectations
What is DV? DV monitors data collection, reporting, and performance. DV analyzes ▫the participant eligibility ▫causes of performance measure successes and failures. DV matches data elements against original documentation to verify compliance.
Who conducts DV? The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) pulls random samples from the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Performance and Results Quarterly Progress Report System (SPARQ). CDA’s SCSEP Specialist conduct DV either through an on- site visit or through desk review.
Why conduct DV? DV assesses the accuracy of the data elements entered into SPARQ from the original documentation. DV aids with identifying weaknesses and strengths enrollment, assignment, exit and placement processes. DV identifies training needs.
How is DV conducted? CDA SCSEP Specialists compare data on the DV worksheets with the participants file. CDA SCSEP Specialist perform o Income calculations (eligibility) and o Earnings calculations (performance) which must match what is in the participant file. CDA SCSEP Specialists verify documentation in the participant file.
How is DV conducted? (continued) Eligibility – Enrollment, IEP, Most in Need, Time Sheets (CSA and Training hours) Performance – Exit, Unsubsidized Employment, and Follow-Ups Data elements on the DV worksheet are either a Pass or Fail.
When is DV? DOL requires DV be conducted between January and June. CDA will be start conducting another DV session starting September 2015 CDA DV will be September - November.
Common Fails Income calculations Formulas for calculations – how did you get that number? Net Pay is NOT counted – it should be Gross Pay All Social Security counted – should only be 75% o This includes Medicare
Common Fails (continued) Follow-Up Must attempt three times with employer before contacting participant. Self-attestations missing Formulas for calculations Missing documentation of earnings An can work
Common Fails (continued) Case Notes Not clearly written, hard to read Missing initials/dates Time Sheets Calculation of hours Training hours missing CSA and Training are separate hours and should be recorded as such.
Suggestions Assign someone to double check the file. Review the DV Handbook Source Document Requirements table. Utilize the Participant Checklist Form on the CDA website. Refer to the Data Collection Handbook Call your SCSEP Specialist
Reminder Enter into SPARQ Heed all Durational Rejects, Rejects, and Warnings Starting in PY 14 Data Validation includes Individual Employment Plans (IEP) Recertification's
Expectations DV is now twice a year. Round One DOL required, January through June Random sample picked by DOL Number of files range for both Eligibility and Performance Round Two CDA preview, September through November Random sample picked by CDA Number of files will be 2 Eligibility and 2 Performance
If you have any questions or concerns contact your SCSEP Specialist.