By : Hannah Reese
Story Time Once at a movie with friends, I got separated from the group and left behind. Eventually I caught up but you wouldn't’t want that to happen again would you?
A n i P h o n e c a n b e a ! ! ! u s e f u l t o o l ! ! ! AAAA p h o n e w i l l b e n e e d e d d u r i n g t r i p s a l o n e a n d a f t e r s c h o o l t o c a l l a n d y o u r p h o n e w i l l n o t s u f f i c e.
A n i P h o n e c a n h e l p m e c o m m u n i c a t e
Do you want to find me
An iPhone 4 white would do quite nicely
Due to budget reasons mom can sell her iPhone on eBay along with my I touch and get the 2 iPhone 4’s deal from Apple
You can see the best choice Let Down Phone Build Up Phone
I am extremely grateful for the cheerleading situation but I would be away from you so I would need to call Mom.
I will soon be thirteen and be out with friends more often and if I got separated from the group I would not have a way to contact anyone.
Do You REALLY LOVE Me??????? You may not want me to go out with friends but what fun would that be. Another reason was what if I needed to be picked up immediately but had to wait till Mom or Dad came and picked me up.
You may be concerned that my brain would get some dieses or something from the radiation but it would only be for emergencies.
Choices for Phones 1 st choice: iPhone 4s 2 nd choice: iPhone 4 3 rd choice: Slide Wi-Fi 4 th choice: HTC Merge 5 th choice: Mortola Rival
Slide Wi-Fi
Mortola Rival
HTC Merge Android
I could be a very happy smiley face Me Now: Could be Me:
Citations: Music: Jungle A Frank Nora face+in+smiley… y+face+with+thumbs+up y+face+with+thumbs+up y+face+with+thumbs+up +merge +merge +merge rola+Rival rola+Rival rola+Rival ne ne ne A phone would also be a great b-day present. Thanks For Watching