Attaining Your Goal Don’t change horses in the middle of the stream! Galatians 3:1—4:7
I. Snap out of it—remember how you received Christ. 1-5 A. You received Christ when you believed in His death for you on the cross. B. You suffered for your new faith C. You received the Holy Spirit and saw God’s miracles by believing, not by keeping the law.
II. Become Real Children of Abraham 6-9 A. Consider how Abraham got credit through simple faith. B. The Scripture Predicted your salvation through faith C. Be Blessed with Abraham by believing as he did.
III. Don’t be Cursed Again A. Getting back under law is to get back under a curse. B. Hear the law itself say: the just shall live by faith. C. Hear the law itself say: cursed are all who do not continue in the whole law D. Accept that Christ became a curse for you— hanging on a tree between heaven and earth. E. Receive the promise by faith—the Spirit, God Himself living within you.
IV. Never Forget the Purpose of Law A. Law’s purpose is not to replace the promise (grace), but was added to show us our sinfulness. B. Showing us our sinfulness and our bondage is how we are led to Christ. Like Moses to Joshua, the pedagogue to the Teacher C. After being led to Christ, we do not need law any longer to supervise us. The direct promise (vs.20) always trumps the mediated covenant (law).
V. Grow Up 3:26—4:7 A. “Put on” Christ like the “Toga Virilis” or the garment of a grown person. B. We put Him on through faith, and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. C. As long as we are children under governors (the law), we are just like slaves in bondage. D. Receive His Spirit and be made a free son who cries “Abba”,“Father”, and receive your inheritance.
Questions What is your goal? How are you trying to attain it? (Faith working by love?) 5:6 Have you been bewitched by the law? or, Have you fallen back under the curse of the law? What will it take for you to snap out of it? Do you know the purpose of the law? Will you grow up and put on Christ by being baptized with the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ? The witness of the Spirit—do you have it?