Key Instant Recall Facts A ‘true’ number fact is a fact that can be recalled instantly. There is no calculation time at all. You need to know it as well as you know your own name. (B Harding 2008) (B Harding 2008) We need to get number facts ‘right’ if we are going to be successful in mathematics.
Know all number bonds for 20
Know all number bonds for each number to 20 Should we move on through the stages?
If we know = 13 we also know a family of calculations: 7+6= 13-7= 13-6=
70+60=130 =60 =700
£7+£6=£13 1300km-700km=600km = - 13
Times Tables X5 & X10 X2 & X4 X3 & X6 X6 & X9 X7 & X8
Don't forget the division facts!
Practical Maths Homework Capacity Length Money Weight Time