Work & Life 2
I have come to receive the Word of God. I accept its authority over my life—to transform my thoughts and actions, and so receive all the blessings God has in store for me.
17 To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’ “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”
“through painful toil you will eat food from it” “It will produce thorns and thistles for you” “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food”
How will your work life end up? #1 Perform below your ability #2 Achieve below your ability or effort The scary naiveté of our generation Cynicism & Idealism on work
“through painful toil you will eat food from it” and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow / you will eat your food
You will not enjoy full performance, but you will enjoy some performance! You will not enjoy full achievement, but you will enjoy some achievement!