India: Changing Patterns of Life Effects of Modernization
INDIA'S CHANGING PATTERNS OF LIFE A) Village life is changing rapidly but in some ways has changed little. B) Many people move from small villages to large cities in the hope of finding a better life. C) Boys are usually treated better than girls. D) The caste system prevents many people from getting good jobs. E) Only about half of India's population can read and write. F) The traditional family structure is breaking down.
Village Life Technology opens the village to the world but tradition remains strong Varied amount of change ½ have electricity, few running water ½ have electricity, few running water Traditional clothes - sari Traditional clothes - sari Still Traditional economy: Still Traditional economy: Farming – plant crops by hand Cottage industry: small businesses run from the home #1a Gender differences: boys better treatment in villages - Generally equal in cities Gender differences: boys better treatment in villages - Generally equal in cities
Technology and Change #2 Green Revolution: improved harvests Villages have electricity, medical clinics, schools, and telephones Infant mortality down: rate at which babies die #1b Infant mortality down: rate at which babies die #1b People connected to outside world through movies, television, internet Travel is easier, more people are moving from small villages to towns and cities Why? Why?
Modernization and the Caste System Government: tries to weaken caste system but it still survives – gap between law and tradition – obstacle to modernization Outlawed Untouchability, compensatory discrimination Outlawed Untouchability, compensatory discrimination but still close to same caste and separate neighborhoods but still close to same caste and separate neighborhoods Higher caste better opportunities with school and family connections – dominate law, engineering, medicine, tech Higher caste better opportunities with school and family connections – dominate law, engineering, medicine, tech
Changes to Caste System Mix more freely – may share well and temple, public school together Urbanization weakened the caste system: Lower castes more social mobility Lower castes more social mobility Caste rules hard to maintain in offices and factories Caste rules hard to maintain in offices and factories Increased Marriage between caste Increased Marriage between caste Educated, westernized Indians reject caste differences Educated, westernized Indians reject caste differences 31% urbanized 31% urbanized Article – Caste Is Not Past NYT Article – Caste Is Not Past NYTCaste Is Not Past NYTCaste Is Not Past NYT
Improving Education India’s leaders realized that an educated population is necessary to a modern, industrialized nation #3a Increased schooling and literacy Increased schooling and literacy 10% literacy to 62% literacy – male 75% - female 50% 80% of elementary aged children get some schooling IIT VideoIIT Video 13:20 IIT Video School free and required until age 14 School free and required until age 14 More boys than girls get schooling More boys than girls get schooling Poverty keeps children from school Poverty keeps children from school Untouchables/Lower caste higher illiteracy
Problem and Education #3b Educated higher-caste youths who cannot find jobs are protesting government efforts to open more jobs to the lowest castes
Modernization and Family Life #4 Marriage customs are becoming less rigid Marry later Marry later Arranged marriage but in cities may meet and may have right of refusal Arranged marriage but in cities may meet and may have right of refusal Young couple may have own homes Young couple may have own homes Still patriarchal Urban: nuclear families instead of joint families
Women #4 Legal rights: vote, own property, get divorced, widows remarry Positions in government Work outside the home may live on own Village women still follow tradition
INDIA'S CHANGING PATTERNS OF LIFE A) Village life is changing rapidly but in some ways has changed little. B) Many people move from small villages to large cities in the hope of finding a better life. C) Boys are usually treated better than girls. D) The caste system prevents many people from getting good jobs. E) Only about half of India's population can read and write. F) The traditional family structure is breaking down.
Closure: What caused and continues to cause cultural change in India? Modernization